Introduction: Smile by Lily Allen

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You've lived in plain view your whole life and you've pretty much have always been under the radar. I mean you were pretty but everyone knew you tried to hide it and your style was a little out there and grunge so people didn't really bother you too much. Except your neighbor across the street, Rodrick Heffley, oh my god he was such a dick and you hated the way he made fun of his little brother and his friend, it was sickening. Just the sight of him would have made you barf. Who does he think he is? I mean he wasn't ugly but his face doesn't make up for his personality and gahh was that terrible. Plus he makes fun of you too. He throws papers at you in class and whispers behind your back but you know how to handle him most of the time.

Ok so how do you know so much about Rodrick, well your families have been friends since you guys were born and the only thing that changed is that the younger generations didn't really care about upholding this supposed never ending family friendship

And then you get a call

*ring* *ring* *ring*

It's the home phone so your mom picks it up

You listen in

"Hello...yes...of course....oh that's nice...she'd love too... uh huh....ok...buh bye."

"What was that about" you ask

"Well Mrs.Heffley just wanted to know if you could watch the boys this weekend"

"Why can't Rodrick do it we are the same age"

"Hunny I already agreed and they said they don't think Rodrick is responsible enough you know after what happened last time"

"Yeah forgot about that I wasn't invited"

"Well whatever, you have to do it because I already said you would and I don't break my promises, besides I'm sure you'll have fun"

"Do I have to babysit rodrick too"

"Ha ha very funny Y/N,  just please be on your best behavior"

"Ok mom fine"


"Rodrick come down here"

"What mom" I say as I walk down the stairs

She is standing by the phone


"Well I just wanted to let you know that Y/N is babysitting you and Greg this weekend and I also wanted to remind you that you are still grounded ok"

"Why does she have to babysit"

"Because she is available and I trust her"

"Ugh whatever" I say as I stomp up the stairs and go back in my room

(I seriously do not want Y/N to be here all weekend she's such a goody two shoes I know I'm not gonna get to do anything while she's around she's stuck up and she's such a rat not to mention she doesn't like me either this weekend is gonna suck)

SUSAN❌: Rodrick you have to take Y/N with you after school because her mom is busy and your going to the same place anyway, ok

ME😈: fine

SUSAN❌: thanks sweetie see you Monday

(All this and now I have to drive her home, she has legs why can't she walk)


All you can think about during school is how you have to watch over the Heffleys and be around that jerk Rodrick

(Speak of the devil and he shall come)

Your in the parking lot and you see Rodrick coming up to you and he grabs your arm

"Hey what gives" you shout

"Relax Y/N,  your mom just told me to give a ride since your coming to ours to babysit anyway" he replies

(Really mom as if my day couldn't get any worse)

"Fine let's go"

"Right" he says

You say hi to Greg and Rowley who are sitting in the back

"Hi Y/N" they say in unison

You put your earbuds in listening to Korn the whole way to their house not wanting to even say another word to the scum that is Rodrick Heffley.

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