"I met a girl at school."

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TW- Mentions of SH (probably throughout most of the story actually)

Tuesday | 4:31PM

School was starting tomorrow. Oscar had no clue who would be in his class. Since Covid started, classes had been switched to every class being separated so they would be around the same people for the whole year instead of different people every period of the day. Oscar was happy about that. He's spoken to a total of two people his age throughout the entire pandemic. His best friends, Kaia and Evelynn. Too bad those two didn't get along very well.

"Maybe I could just pretend school isn't starting tomorrow." Oscar whispered quietly to himself. Neither Kaia nor Evelynn were even going to his school so he'd be completely alone. Starting school. Recently out as trans. Still a feminine haircut. He had barely started his transition and was already being thrown into school. 

He'd be stuck with people he didn't know, and with the lack of people going to school, there would even be some 11th graders in his class, which wouldn't be very fun. 

"- Oscar! Acting lessons are starting in an hour, get ready!" Oscar heard his mom call from downstairs.

Oscar let out a reluctant sigh. Great, another place where I'll have to meet new people. Maybe they'll be nice. He thought, rolling his eyes. Anxiety was slowly building up around him, despite him attempting to act as if it didn't bother him.

He tried to brush it off, but it held on to him as he got dressed. A black hoodie and blue sweatpants would do the trick. It'd cover his arms, which were covered in mostly healed scars. It'd cover his chest, which was larger than average, especially for his age. Too bad he was stuck with the chest he has, I'm sure every girl would wish for it to be theirs. Unfortunate.

Oscar was lost in his thoughts. They were running faster then a cheetah and it was hard to keep up. He just sat there, staring at the purple walls of his room. He needed to paint them. Orange? Green? He's yet to decide. 

His thoughts broke when he heard the ringing of his phone.

Kaia <33 is calling..

Oscar smiled, his best friend and ex girlfriend was calling him. He still had feelings for her, however they broke up and there's no point in trying to heal the relationship. Hopefully that would go away soon. Him and Kaia broke up because he came out as trans. Kaia didn't have any interest in dating a guy, but they agreed to remain friends, just like how they were before they got together. Two years down the drain I guess. They've been best friends since kindergarten. 

Oscar picked up his phone slowly.

"Hey! Oscar!" Oscar heard Kaia's voice through the phone. It was a little glitchy, but he still knew what he was saying.

"Kaia, why are you calling right now?" She normally called him at night. It's strange for her to call any earlier than 9PM. 

"My school already started you know, I can't call that late anymore." She laughed a little. Oscar heard voices in the background but he couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Did something bad happen?" Oscar asked, a little worried.

"No, actually, something kinda good happened.." She whispered, starting to sound a little nervous.


"I met a girl at school." She started. Oscar could tell she was smiling. He was happy for her, really. Maybe a little upset, he thought she still might have had something for him. I guess not. Maybe it's for the best. Oscar needed to move on. As much as those words were a punch in the guts, Oscar truly was happy for her.

"And?" Oscar urged her to continue. Did he want her to continue? No. But did she obviously want to talk about it? Yes.

"She started talking to me and I realized how amazing and gorgeous she was!" Kaia said excitedly. Her voice got higher as she kept rambling on about this random girl. The girl has short light brown hair and emerald green eyes and she's much taller than Kaia. 

Oscar was dozing off, having to listen to Kaia's ranting. 

"Oscar, it's time to go! You don't want to be late for your first day of acting!" Oscar heard his mom calling him from downstairs. Kaia must've heard as well.

"I should get going." She stated, hanging up before Oscar could even speak.

Fuck I probably messed up. 

Oscar let out an exasperated sigh and got up grudgingly. He wasn't in the mood of meeting a whole new group of people. He's always been considered the 'weird kid'. He didn't expect this to be much different.

And just as he expected, he only spoke to one person. A person who was way too nosy and wouldn't stop bothering him about his gender identity. He hated how that was the only topic Amber wanted to talk about. She was a few years younger than Oscar. He wished the 'older' group would talk to him. Too bad he's always stuck in the middle age group, too old for the younger kids, too young for the older kids.

Tuesday | 11:23PM

Oscar lay there, wide awake, unable to sleep. He was dreading tomorrow. School. More new people. At his old school he struggled to make friends. All he had was Kaia and Evelynn. Maybe Amelia, however they barely spoke. None of them were going to the same school as Oscar.

Whenever Oscar didn't want the next day to happen, he'd stay up as late as possible. This was one of those nights. He didn't want to look exhausted at school, he had Phys Ed first period. He started going through the millions of things that could go wrong.

He could trip and fall and embarrass himself in front of everyone.

He could try to talk to people and be ignored. 

He could start crying in class.

Those were only some of the things he had to worry about. He's been emotionally unstable since the pandemic hit and he's already adjusted to not having to communicate with people. Now he was getting thrown into a new school, having to meet new people. Guaranteed a lot of misgendering. And a good handful of transphobes.

This is gonna be fun.

(1034 words)

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