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y-"tiinnnkkk wake uuppp"

she jumped on his bed

Damian-*whines mommy its to early

y-"nigga it's 2 in the after noon"

damian-"omg let me sleep"

y-"no Bubba wake up"

damian-"mm mm"


she laid on her back beside him

damian-"u make me breakfast"

y-"it u get up"

damian-"I don't wanna get up"

he laid on her

y-"u have to"

damian-"I don't have nothing to do today"

y-"so maybe I planned something"

he whined and put her hands in his hair she played and massaged in his hair


he slid his hands under her

y-"u suck"

he laughed a little

lewis-"the love birds back at it again"

jamie-*whistling like a bird

damian-"omg were not dating"


damian-"mch why u stop"

he put her hands back in his hair

y-"I am not doing this all day"

damian-"what about for my birthday"

y-"u want this for your birthday

damian-"uh yes who wouldn't"

y-"um people with a life'

damian-"well im not one of thoes people I wanna sleep eat touch myself and repeat"



damian-"neither one of yall can be talking"

y-"get off me"


y-"I said get off me"

damian-"I said no'

y-"imma break your arm"

damian-"u wouldn't do that to me"

y-"depends on witch arm"

damian-"I use both for basketball"

he whined

y-"then get off me"

he whined and sat up sitting on her legs

y-"ga morning!!"


y-"get off me boy"

she pushed him back he stayed there in star position she crawled over him

y-"are u alive day day"

damian-"im dead"

y-"uh oh Dassa u problem"

he sat up pushing her on her back and laid on her

y-*groans fuck fuck fuck

he laughed

damian-"ga night"

lewis dragged damian off of yn he whined grabbing onto yn

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