my treat

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kyle pov

yn has been ripping and running for everyone and she doesn't know it soooo I took the time to throw some stuff together for a warm bath and after her bath I'm planning to give her a massage and hold her until she falls asleep

y-"babe I'm home-"

kyle-"thank u"

he took her bags and ran in the kitchen she walked behind him

y-"boy what are u doing"

kyle-"I made u dinner"

she looked at the table and out her hands over her mouth

y-"aww baby"

he saw her eyes get watery and he pulled her to him

kyle-"its your turn to have your me time while everyone else does your work starting with this"

he took her phone and put it on silent

kyle-"no calls texts emails alarms everything u need is right here"

her lip quivered


a tear finally fell he wiped it and kissed her nose

kyle-"and u can't say no"

y-"I have other stuff to-"

kyle-"ssshhhh.. all u have to do is sit there and look pretty ok"


she whined a little he kissed her lips he sat her down and poured her some wine he sat in front of her they ate and laughed together they finished eating he picked her up she laughed a little he walked her upstairs and to the bathroom making sure she didn't see anything on the bed


he put her on the counter and took what little makeup she had on off helped her take off her clothes and put her in the water

kyle-"is it to hot"

y-"no baby it's perfect"

he kissed her lips

kyle-"call me when u ready to get out "

y-"ok baby"

he left out closing the door smiling to himself he got the stuff ready for her massage

y-"baby I'm ready"

he heard her yell from the bathroom he went to the door and opened it slowly

y-"I decided to wash my hair too'

he smiled


he opened her towel and picked her up out of the water and wrapped it around her he dried her off and gave her a matching set of undZacker garments she put them on he put her in a robe and let her dry her hair he picked her up and walked her into the bed room as her favorite show started she smiled

y-"u didn't"

kyle-"i did"

he kissed her

kyle-"sit tight"


she watched the show he cleaned up the bathroom and played some music that made her turn the TV down he came out and put the speaker down

y-" what u doing"

kyle-"giving u a massage"

y-"little Ole me"

he laughed a little

kyle-"yes u"

he picked her up pulled the sheets back and laid her on her stomach pulling the robe off her showing the matching set he let her get comfortable and he started to massage her legs and up her back and shoulders he flipped her over and did her legs and rubbed on her thighs as he kissed her and got up her eyes opened

y-"where u going"

kyle-"im coming back mama"

she whined he kissed her lips he went in the bathroom washed his hands his face and brushed his teeth and changed his clothes and came back she had fallen asleep he got in bed next to her she whined and pulled his arms around her


she turned around to him and wrapped her arms around his neck he pulled her closer and held her

y-"thank u baby"

kyle-"your welcome"

he kissed on her head as she fell asleep and so did he

the end...

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