Ellysa: I'm bored!
Elias: Samzies!
Jeremiah: ... Dude, did you really say that...?
Elias: Pshhhh, no...
Ellysa: ...
Jeremiah: ...
Elias: ...
Ellysa: I have an idea!
Elias: What is it?
Ellysa: Let's play 20 questions!
Jeremiah: Sure, whatever.
Elias: *shrugs* I'm down with that.
Ellysa: 'kay I'll ask the first question!
Ellysa: No. 1: What's under your bed?
Elias: ... My stuffed animals.
Jeremiah: My friend, he's named Frog. He is a cat.
Elias: No. 2: Do you have any tattoos?
Jeremiah: Yes.
Ellysa: No, but I draw on my arm all the time...
Jeremiah: No. 3: If I ate you, what would you taste like?
Ellysa and Elias: CHOCOLATE!
Ellysa and Elias: THAT'S MY ANSWER!
Ellysa and Elias: STOP IT!!!
Jeremiah: ... Twin Telepathy...
Ellysa: WHATEVER! No. 4: What is the last anime you watched?
Elias: Show By Rock!!
Jeremiah: Boku no Pico
Ellysa and Elias: ... WHY?
Jeremiah: Ellysa, you dared me to watch it!
Ellysa: Oh yeah...
Elias: No. 5: What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?
Jeremiah: 16 hours, I like sleep and I believe there is no point to all nighters or
staying up late.
Ellysa: 72 hours.
Jeremiah: No. 6: Favourite song at the moment?
Ellysa: Alice in Milkland
Elias: ...
Elias: I don't know... Lost Time Memory, I guess...
Ellysa: No. 7: What is your blood type?
Elias: I have the same blood type as you, Sister.
Ellysa: So it's O- or O+ I can't remember, but I'm pretty sure it's O-something
Elias: Oh...
Jeremiah: AB+
Elias: No. 8: What was the first thought you had this morning?
Jeremiah: "I really want to eat some caramel slice."
Ellysa: "Fucking hell, why do I set my alarm for so early?"
Jeremiah: No. 9: If you woke up one day and was somehow the opposite
gender, what would you do?
Ellysa and Elias: *look at each other*
Ellysa: Well, I'll probably just do what Elias does
Elias: and I'll just act like Ellysa
Jeremiah: You guys a boring
Ellysa: No. 10: Have you ever been stung by a bee?
Elias: ... We're allergic to bees
Ellysa: and?
Elias: *shrugs*
Jeremiah: No, I haven't
Bee: *flies in and stings Jeremiah, then flies off*
Jeremiah: Yes, I have.
Elias: Well, no. 11: if you were to walk in a dark forest at night, would you take a
group of friends, one friend or would you just go by yourself?
Jeremiah: I'll probably go by myself.
Ellysa: I'll go with one person so I could use them as a human shield.
Jeremiah: No. 12: Have you been to movies in the past week?
Ellysa: I watched Avengers: Age of Ultron last night, it was cool
Elias: I haven't been to the movies in ages...
Ellysa: No. 13: What's your lucky number? Mine's 13.
Elias: 4
Jeremiah: 10
Ellysa: coolio
Elias: No. 14: If you joined the circus, what would perform?
Jeremiah: Tight rope
Jeremiah: No. 15: Are you wearing socks
Ellysa: no
Elias: yes
Ellysa: No. 16: If you were trapped in anime for a month, what one would it be?
Elias: Cuticle Detective Inaba
Jeremiah: Save Me! Lollipop
Ellysa and Elias: ...
Jeremiah: No. 17: Strangest thing you've ever eaten?
Elias: I once ate cheese and tomato sauce...
Ellysa: I don't know, but people say that fried rice and triple chocolate chip
cookies is strange...
Elias: No. 18: What dead person do want to be haunted by?
Ellysa: L
Jeremiah: ... I'm already haunted by ghosts, so...
Ellysa: No. 19: Favourite food?
Jeremiah: Pancakes and Maple Syrup
Elias: Chocolate
Elias: No. 20: Was this really worth our time?
Ellysa: Nah, not really
Jeremiah: I was just really bored.
Uumm, Yeah... TAKE TWO!
De TodoYayyyyyyyyyyyyyy, hopefully, you have already read the first Uumm, Yeah, and kind of know what you are getting yourself into. Or not. It doesn't really worry me. Oh yeah, I swear. Just saying.