Chapter 8

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I had been out hunting and had just come back in when JaguarStar called me over, “SteelMask, come here!”

I nodded and headed over, “What’s up?”

“TornPaw was murdered last night,” I gasped in horror, although I was jealous of the paw, FreckledWish thought of him as family, so I knew she would be hurting. Jaguarstar continued, “As you are the closest to FreckledWish. Can you please spend sometime comforting her? You can stay a little while each night, just do not be caught, ok?”

I nodded my ascent and then headed to the medicine den and walked in. My eyes fell on FreckledWish sobbing her eyes out and my heart squeezed with compassion. Feeling somewhat helpless, I offered what I considered useless advice, "Shh, it's not your fault."

I then tried to comfort her physically by pressing my fur against hers and licking her tears.

"Everyone seems to die whether it be mentor or apprentice, SteelMask... I've seen so much death, I don't know what I've done to make StarClan punish me like this," FreckledWish continued crying, pushing her face into my fur.

We cuddled together for a while until Leafbelly, TornPaws mother, walked in and sat next to us.

"May I join the comfort squad?" She asked sitting beside FreckledWish.

FreckleWish nodded, understanding that Leafbelly would be feeling sad too, afterall it was her child that had perished. We sat there comforting each other. Although Thornpaw's death did not affect me, I still reminisced the good times with them. Strangely enough, this cheerful reminiscing comforted the pair who were grieving.

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