Chapter 2- Commitment

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      We found ourselves in the office, debating the current predicament that the shinobis found themselves. The leader could not believe my statement, yet, could not deny my experience with these foul creatures.

-So you mean to tell me we are up against a creature who's mere weakness are you're weapons?- Akira said with disbelief

-Indeed, my lord- I replied

-Incredible, what must we do?- Asked the now scared Akira

-You, nothing, remain with the current plan, my team and I must locate and apprehend this foe- I replied coldly to Akira

       Soon after, I had taken the team outside of the building for planning. The conversation held with Akira soon reached the confused and anxious shinobis that formed part of the military force of this small village. We could see how their faces grew scared by the second, their hopes were fading, thinking their doomed had arrived to claim their souls. But my team was made to avoid such catastrophes, we were a devoted bunch with power beyond belief. We just needed to hone our skills further, we were still pretty fresh on the use of our Arms.

-Alright my friends, we must fend off this vampire- I said to the others

-What's the plan lead?- Asked Shinji

-The village has four entrances, I would not doubt they will use this to confuse us- I replied

-Yet, let us separate to all four gates and use shinobis stationed in each one for distant communications- I suggested

-Sounds about right- Said Kuro excited

-Let us get this over with- Stated Taku

-Any other warnings or suggestions lead?- Asked Shinji ready to part

-Yes, protect any humans on your side and do not engage until all four are together- I quickly said before seeing them part to different gates

       As I saw them leave, I could see which gate was not to be taken, so I made my way over at high speed, jumping from rooftop to rooftop until I reached my destination. Now it was sit and wait. I lay down and started meditating, a habit I caught a few days after obtaining my Shadow Arm, helping me concentrate and increase my senses. I could feel more, hear more and smell more while in this state, by obvious means, the gates were not empty for there were shinobis stationed there upholding their duty. This shinobis were very young in age, yet I could see they had some sort of skill in combat, yet, they still needed to mature.

-Look at him, he is so old I presume that he cannot stand guard properly- Said one of the young ninjas

-Yeah, anyway, if something happens we will save him, so he can remain unbothered- Said another one

-If you have nothing to suggest, then please remain silent, for you are disrupting my concentration- I replied to their senseless conversation

-You have a problem old man?- Said the first ninja

-Well, if you do not want to be saved and be eaten at such a young age, just let me know, I would gladly refrain from moving until you have been eaten dry- I said, scaring the poor ninjas

      Suddenly the young shinobis stood shut, waiting for anything to happen. Time passed and from the farthest gate, an explosion was heard. Once I heard it, I turn around to see smoke coming from the sky in the same location. I did not hesitate, I jumped quickly and made my way over to that gate at full speed. Shinobis that were still patrolling made their way towards that same gate, yet they could not match my speed. It did not take long for me to arrive, and I saw I was the last one. When I looked down I could see that Kuro was distracting the vampire, and it was indeed a vampire, only difference, is that the speed of this one was substituted by strength. This would mean that one sole punch or kick from this creature, would mean immediate death, yet that did not scare any of us, since we swore an oath to die in battle by killing this freaks. Kuro was fast enough to predict and counter any attempt at striking him, making him a very blurry target for the vampire. Each hit would open a wound, yet this wound would take maximum of fifteen seconds to heal, which technically was pretty quick. Kuro decided to knock him out instead, we could all see it in his eyes, the commitment he placed into taking care of this foe by himself. We knew what was his plan, and we were ready to strike the vampire when he finished him. He was going to use a technique called "Three steps of awakening", this technique was devastating for whomever was hit by it. "First step: Physical Sensation" in this step, Kuro would greatly damage the body of the victim until is was ready for the next step. "Second Step: Persecution Sensation" in this step, Kuro would throw the victim to the air with consecutive blows, leaving no room for defense, following till it was ready for the last step. "Third Step: Falling Sensation" in this step, Kuro would finally kick the victim back down to the ground and land very fast and hard to finish the victim on the ground. Once he finished, there was a hole where the vampire was laying, the vampire was unconscious, so we jumped near him to see how was he. Taku did not loose any time and stabbed the vampire, followed by Shinji, and then I gave the finishing blow, to stop the healing.

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