Chapter 7- Preparations

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   I heard Halfdan call everyone from far away, so I approached the crowd and united with the rest of the team. Halfdan started a very serious war reunion, motivating everyone to raise their weapons toward our common enemy. The team and I decided to step aside while Halfdan kept on the speech to find a way to locate the enemy's stronghold. I wanted to survey the area on a two kilometer radius. But it would make us vulnerable to separate like that, since with us alone, we would need to have all arms nearby to retaliate in case of being spotted by enemy forward scouts.

-What should we do? The mission is clear. Find the enemy's stronghold and devise an invasion.- Stated Taku

-Well, we can not forget that the protection of the Ragvindir Clan also resides within our responsibilities.- Pointed out Shinji

-Well, I can already tell Rizotto is thinking of the best strategy, better to wait and see what our leader has in store for us.- Kuro said, staring at me

No matter how I looked at it, we had too many responsibilities to cover for only us four. So I had no choice but to rely in Halfdan to cover for our missing spots in my strategy.

-We must separate, and we need all four of us to find the stronghold as fast as possible. But we will need to ask for four other skilled warriors to accompany each one of us.- I commanded to the rest

They understood quickly, and all agreed that it was the best approach to avoid any casualties within the small amount of time we were going to be away from town. So I made my way to Halfdan, who was done with the speech, and as if timing was right, he was looking for me and the team. So I went towards Halfdan through the crowd that was just undoing. As I approached Halfdan, he could tell that I had an idea that I would need his support to make it happen. He proceeded to lead me to his Long House and into the war room to make any suggestions toward taking the vampires down.

-So, what is it that you came up with?- Halfdan started the conversation

-Me and the team are going to divide and search the vicinity in a two kilometer radius. See if we can spot the enemy's stronghold.- I suggested

-Alright, what can I do to help the efforts?- Halfdan asked

-We can not retaliate on our own if we were to be spotted by enemy scouts. So we need four skilled warriors who can not only fight alongside us, but can keep up our speed to make the search as fast as possible.- I replied

Halfdan started thinking carefully and, after careful thinking, came up with an idea. His face was one of serious determination, like if he had the perfect team for this job, but it was a dangerous predicament to call upon them. After a few minutes of debating himself, he left and a while later returned with four warriors who seemed to have too much experience to be so young. Halfdan was not too happy to rely on them, but from all the warriors, they were the only ones to keep up with our fights and speed.

-Here they are, it does not make me too happy to have to bring them out for this situation, but it is necessary to keep the clan from being eradicated.- Halfdan stated as he presented them

He first presented Ivar, the archer of the team. As wise and strong as he looked, he was a very closed-minded person, but that did not take the imposing and skillful demeanor any less imposing. Following was the brothers, Bjørn and Torbjørn, skillful with small knifes and very fast. They had a very unnoticeable presence and were in perfect sinc when doing anything, but that did not make them any less useful by themselves. Then, he presented Ulf, a very small warrior, but he was as strong as the wolfs by his side. He had this instinctive demeanor, like he was a wild animal himself, but had a very delicate and imposing posture. His abilities with his wolfs had to be outstanding for someone like him to be part of such team. Finally, he presented their leader, Sigurd, a very well reserved man. He stood tall and proud while presented, he had a sword as his only weapon and specialty. Though he seemed to have some skill behind such a physic.

   I saw how this people seemed to behave, they were very serious and seemed annoyed that their skills were required to begin with. As if it was a disgrace to call upon them for such a task. I only presumed they didn't know what was going on and thus why they were very upset. I turned to Halfdan to get some type of background on why these people were the answer to the current situation. And Halfdan understood immediately.

-Well this team is about our most elite of all of our warriors. Though there is one reason why we barely see them or rely on them.- Halfdan said in a very serious tone

-The men composing this team have shown everyone how magnificent and dangerous their fire abilities are. One of them is capable of volatile power, enough to burn the whole forest that currently surrounds us.- he continued

-You mean to say they are outcasts of their own clan due to their uncontrollable yet powerful skills with the fire? This is why they are barely relied on?- I analyzed in mere seconds

   Halfdan stood quite as if what I said was the nail that everyone avoided to pin out in the open. I just nailed it down to it, no hesitation, basically the overview of the problem. They just stared me down, but they did not spoke a word, as if saying I insulted their past but did not make any false statements. After a while, Sigurd started to speak towards me.

-If I may, we are not acquainted yet. May I have your name?- Sigurd asked respectfully

-You may, I am Rizotto Nobushi, from the Nobushi clan.- I replied

-It is nice to make your acquaintance, I am Sigurd Ragvindir.- Sigurd stated in reverence

-My team has been summoned due to your claims of needed assistance from elite warriors with our specific talents.- Sigurd stated

    I then proceeded to explain in detail what I had planned and why I needed warriors with their skill set. They quickly understood the situation and decided to meet the others instantly. The faster we all got acquainted, the faster the mission could begin and end. We all had that simple objective in mind, finishing this mission for good to finish of the vampires in the area. After all were acquainted, Sigurd and I decided to divide both teams into duos. First, Taku and Ivar, both being very stubborn for their own good, they would unconsciously protect each other. Next up, Kuro and the brothers Torbjørn and Bjørn, Kuro was a very competitive yet humble soul, next to the brothers, he would behave and still work one hundred percent efficiently. Lastly we had Shinji and Ulf, they were very wise and collected when it came to missions, it would be most efficient to keep them together and expect great results. Obviously me and Sigurd were the last team to be made aside from the fact that as leaders of our respective teams, it was only obvious we would stand together in the same duo.

   As soon as we all divided and knew who our companions were, Sigurd called his team to give them instructions. I did the same to keep it professional. I gave some contingency plans to the others to keep them from harms way, though I don't think it was entirely necessary. Yet something about this group had me very worried, it's like they wanted to do something, but I was not sure exactly what it was. I decided to just tell them the contingency plans and leave it at that. Sooner than expected, we were already separated in order to begin the search. Mission consisted in only search and identification of the enemy's stronghold. In the way, at great speed. Was me and Sigurd, talking while running.

-So, this is why you needed us. Your speed is incredibly good. I can barely catch up.- said Sigurd in a very playful tone.

-What can I say? It is how the corruption has changed us. We were useless to our clan, but now we can do amazing things and people has started to accept us.- I replied

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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