Chapter 3

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Meanwhile the Watterson family were all busy doing their own thing. Nicole was in the kitchen making the kids something to eat for lunch, Richard was asleep on the sofa, Anais was sat at the kitchen table reading a book and Gumball and Darwin were sat on the carpet playing Speedy the Porcupine 2 on their PolyStation, having a blast.

"Hey, could you lift me up here, I can't get up myself." Gumball asked as Speedy as he jumped up and down at a ledge.

"Sure!" Darwin as Tales picked up Gumball and flew him up the ledge.

"Thaaaank you." He thanked Darwin before he continued running ahead, leaving Darwin to get killed by an enemy.

"Ow! Stupid robot!" Darwin complained.

"Thank god you have unlimited lives..."

Darwin respawned and the two reached the boss.

"Right, we're boss time! This'll be a piece of cake! Just turn into Super Speedy and we can cheese the whole thing and be done in no ti-huh? W-why isn't it working!?"Gumball panicked. He kept jumping and pressing the transform button but nothing happened.

"We have 50 rings right?" Darwin asked.

"Yeah, duh!"

"and we got all seven Chaos Diamonds?"

"Yeah we got al si-wait seven!? I thought there were only six!" Gumball replied horrified.

"They added a seventh one in this one." Darwin informed him

"What!? Why!? Wasn't six enough?!"

"I don't know, I didn't make this game." Darwin shrugged.

"Can you keep it down? Kind of hard to concentrate with you both yelling..." Anais called out as she turned a page of her book.

"Sure, whatever." Gumball responded.

"Ugh great, guess gonna have to do this legit..." Darwin informed Gumball

"Do you even know how to do it legit?"

He paused for a few seconds. "...No."

"Okay, I guess we'll just have to wing it..."

Darwin nodded. "Here goes nothing..."

They ran in and started the fight and were surprisingly doing well.

"Almost there, just a few more hits!"

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Can one of you get that?" Nicole asked.

"Yeah, just a second!" Gumball responded as he tried to focus on the game

It rang again. "Now!" Nicole called.

"Almost finished!"

It rang a third time. "One of you answer the door already!"

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