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Bonus 4



Custard rolled his eyes in annoyance, he couldn’t believe Clotted Cream failed to get the soul jam! That was the only thing he needed to do, to prove himself! He could’ve fit in well with House Custard, yet this failure single-handedly proved he’d always have House Scone in him. He would never be able to provide anything for House Custard, his anger boiled as he slapped Clotted. Gripping onto his shoulders, he had lost so much for this boy!
You pathetic failure! I have lost too much for you to fuck everything up now! You are good for nothing, useless, a waste of space! I lost so much to take you in, I didn’t need to! I could’ve left you to rot but I didn’t, boy! And this is how you repay me?!” He yelled, throwing Clotted down who meekly stared up at his father. He didn’t dare let any tears fall, that would make things far worse.

I- I am sorry, father.” Clotted murmured weakly, moving back a little. He hadn’t meant to fail his mission, the heroes were stubborn and didn’t want to part with their soul jam. He understood why, and it started to become like walking on eggshells. He would walk into any room where the ancients were and they would become tense, he dismissed himself and returned back to the Crème Republic empty handed. He swallowed the lump in his throat, shutting his eyes tightly, expecting the next insult or injury yet it never came. Shakily opening his eyes he was immediately taken off guard, his father was crouched down. His eye was bruised and his nose was bleeding.

In front of him stood a rather short lady, her hair similar in colour to his. He felt as if he recognised her, but couldn’t put a name to her face. He swallowed nervously, watching as she offered her hand.
Clotted Cream..” she spoke softly, tears filling her eyes as she suddenly engulfed him into a tight yet comforting hug.
I am so sorry, my baby.. I.. I never knew he would do this to you. And I am so sorry..” she spoke softly, her tone nothing but motherly as she cupped his cheek.
M- m-.. mother..?” He stammered, hesitating before holding her hand which rested on his cheek. His body trembled as tears finally started to leak from his eyes.

Let it all out, you’re safe now.. I promise.” She whispered as she lifted her son up and held him close. Despite the height difference, she was surprisingly rather well built. She glanced back at Custard, scoffing in disgust before walking off. She had her son now, and that's all that mattered to her.


This is short on purpose


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