Chapter 10

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It had been quite a long time, a couple months at most. Things had fortunately calmed down significantly, well at least in the Vanilla Kingdom. Clotted Cream and Financier had nestled down in a nearby inn more long term. They didn’t want to take advantage of Pure Vanilla and his kindness, he had done a lot as it was. All the ancients had helped him a lot. And they continued to. Especially with Light Cream… Clotted Cream couldn’t deny that things were a little awkward.. He never thought he’d ever really meet Light Cream, not properly. Custard had told him so much about her, well, he had spouted lies- and lies. And more lies. But she was.. so nice, she was soft spoken, he had felt guilt around never caring much for her letters.

Light Cream had to go back to the Crème Republic to prevent suspicion of conspiracy, yet she continued to send letters as often as she could to keep everyone updated on the Crème Republic. Unlike the peaceful kingdom.. the Republic was basically falling apart without the consul.

The Elders were split, after Custard came back and began to badmouth his own son. Oyster, Caviar and Mulled Juice - they did not believe him. But Vanilla Sugar and Sablé felt more inclined to believe Custard, why would he lie? Although Vanilla Sugar felt upset due to Financier never coming back, Custard dismissed it as her also being a traitor. Baumkuchen wasn’t sure who to believe, he had become a mini mediator of sorts in the Consul’s absence. With Mille-Feuille also being missing and the Elders at each other's throats - there was never a minute of peace in the Crème Republic.

Clotted Cream yawned as he rose from his bed, he had slowly gotten some better habits although he still struggled to actually stay asleep. But he was able to sleep in a bit more nowadays, his eyes drifting towards the clock beside his bed, it was only 8:30am. He stretched as he stood up, running a hand through his messy hair as he looked over to Financier who placed down a letter next to Clotted Cream, it was already open - it was addressed to them both.
“They’ve started a civil war.” Financier spoke slowly, she hadn’t been up for too long herself but unlike the ex consul she was dressed and had received the mail. She looked shocked, yet ultimately it wasn’t all that surprising to hear.

Clotted Cream blinked, shaking his head as he picked up the letter, his eyes glossing over the letter and its contents.
“Custard waged it? Such.. does not surprise me. Yet I do not understand on what grounds he could wage one.. and he must understand it is a foolish idea to have Oyster and Caviar against him? With their military.. he is surely out powered.” Clotted mumbled, rubbing his chin as he pondered.
“Yet publicity wise.. The people of the Crème Republic.. ah.. He knows they trust him.” Clotted realised as he spoke, glancing to Financier who nodded in turn.
“They may out-power him but he has publicity and that’s what I fear.” Financier spoke, Clotted nodding as he yawned and stretched - placing the letter down.

“I shall get dressed and we can head over to visit Pure Vanilla.. It is time we head back, is it not?”
“In a time like this?”
“Even more so, Financier.”
“Are you.. ready?”
“… As I’ll ever be.”

It didn’t take long for Clotted Cream to change into something a little more presentable than his silky pyjamas, while it was not his typical cloak - it was still formal. He hadn’t had as much time to get ready as he would’ve liked, running a hand through his hair and adjusting his sweater as he glanced towards Financier.
“Yet to return your question.. are you ready?” He asked the paladin carefully, he could only imagine how hard things had been for her too. She never spoke on it, and he never did either. But the kingdom was so new.. yet they had both grown to enjoy it - perhaps they didn’t particularly want to leave so soon.
“Yes, Clotted. The Light will guide me.” Financier responded carefully, while Clotted had never believed in anything - Financier’s belief had been what got her through this- truthfully.

Clotted nodded, he understood how a belief could be so important. He was not one to disturb that, just because he never had it. He hummed then, slipping the letter into his pocket as he looked at Financier.
“We shall be on our way then. I believe we will want to act sooner rather than later.” Clotted spoke, nodding at Financier as they both left the inn.

Financier trailed a tiny bit behind the ex consul. While technically she no longer needed to protect him, she continued to do so. Old habits die hard and it made her feel as if she still had a purpose, it was difficult to get used to the sudden change.. being a well respected paladin in the Crème Republic to.. this? It was nice, she couldn’t deny that, it was also nice to see Clotted so happy.. well.. happier, rather. And to see him finally reunite with Light Cream. She had been helping out around the Kingdom to try and keep her mind off things, she had helped with the reconstruction of the prison and often guarded it. She knew she didn’t have to, but she wanted to.

Clotted hadn’t struggled as much with settling in, quite surprisingly. It was mostly getting used to not having so many responsibilities, not having people constantly ask him for help, or having the Elders nag at him for something that they could have easily handled but decided to make him deal with. But here..? People didn’t talk or walk over him, or command him to do things, he could have a break here. He could take walks, he could treat himself, he could relax - and no one would lecture him or get angry. He had been helping Pure Vanilla a lot, helping in the gardens and around the castle.

He wasn’t sure what would happen when they arrived back at the Republic, for a long while it had only been something that would happen in the future. Yet now it was in the foreseeable future, the gravity and reality of the situation began to set in. Soon.. soon he would be face to face with his father once more, .. ex father? He wasn’t sure where that laid anymore, was he still adopted? He didn’t know.. and a part of him didn’t care - not anymore. He rubbed his face, taking a deep breath as he looked up at the Vanilla castle, looking to Financier.

“Are you ready, Clotted?”
“I have to be.”


Welcome back guys I am Alive!!
I am leaving this on a cliff hanger so thats why it is a little shorter - the next chapters are about to be. Very chaotic.. the calm before the storm!


Also! Quick note! I won't do any bonus chapter here anymore! I'll do them on my cookie run one shot so if you want to request one, go there, not here, thank you!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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