The Biggest Scoop

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Carly knew from the moment she woke up that something wasn't right. She'd just been thrown out a window, knowing throughout the entirety of her long fall that she was experiencing her final moments before one impact would end it all for her. Dying useless and alone, after foolishly trying to be useful to Jack. When she finally did hit the ground, everything went dark, though it only felt like a moment when suddenly she was surrounded by a chorus of voices. She blinked open her eyes. Her glasses were still on, though they were completely broken in places and Carly knew she'd have to replace them.

Through those broken lenses, however, she'd seen many people she didn't recognise. They were all telling her how good it was to have her back, so Carly naturally assumed she'd been dead, but how was she back? Then they started talking about these "Dark Signers" she's never heard of. Carly figured out a Dark Signer was someone who came back to life and tried to open the gates of the Underworld and that she'd been one of them but that was all any of them could tell her. No specifics of what she'd done or why she'd tried to help destroy the world.

It stressed her out. Part of Carly's life had completely disappeared from her memory, and it was seemingly a part of her life where she'd hurt many and tried to destroy the world. How could she not remember this?! Would anyone else remember more specific details of her time as a Dark Signer? Jack instantly came to mind. However, right as she'd gone to ask him, she discovered that Jack, along with his friends Yusei and Crow, had taken off to who knows where with no indication of when they'd be back. Carly was now internally screaming. Here she was, no job, no car, no knowledge of how she was alive or the horrible things she'd done after her supposed death. Did not remembering these horrible acts she'd committed make her an even more horrible person?! Why didn't anyone else seem to know what she'd done?

For the time being, Carly had to push away those relentless thoughts and try to get her life back on track. She didn't have a job or an apartment anymore. She couldn't afford the rent anymore and she'd been fired from her job quite a while ago, even before her death. A week passed as Carly looked for some sort of job that could support her, though not many people seemed to be interested in hiring a fired news reporter who'd been a Dark Signer.

Now Carly was just coming out of a job interview, one she prayed had been successful. She honestly wasn't sure. The interviewers she'd seen in her time never showed any emotion, just asked their eternally hard-to-answer questions like they were reading them off cue cards. Why was answering questions about herself so stressful? Carly wondered.

As she walked, Yusei, Jack, and Crow raced into the city on their D-Wheels, having just returned from their trip to Satellite, which mainly consisted of hugging Martha and telling everyone about the new bridge. It was just the uneventful excursion they needed after the hell they'd all just been through.

Carly was alerted to their presence by the roaring of their motors. She looked up. Three D-Wheels soared down the street, racing too fast for Carly to make out any details. However, she instantly knew who they were.

"Jack! Yusei! Crow!" Carly called out their names as she began to give chase.

Jack heard her almost instantly. Even with the loud roaring of his and his friends' motors beside him, Carly's voice stuck out to him, jabbing him right in the heart. Turning a sharp corner, Jack picked up speed as he raced down the street.

"Jack! Jack!" Carly called out desperately, "Please?! Yusei! Crow!"

Yusei and Crow braked at the foot of the hill.

"Did you hear someone saying our names?" Crow asked, taking off his helmet.

Yusei dipped his head. "Carly." He turned to the girl, who'd stopped far up the hill to catch her breath.

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