Chapter 28

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"I am definitely not going to repeat it again. *Everyone smiled* Getting back...all of your poses were unique but these two made us laugh the most. *displays the picture*" after looking at the pose all of us started laughing.

"We almost imagined what kind of pose Jhope would make. This pose is very him." Jin said. All of us agreed because we have seen him do it many times.

"You guys should have seen him walk." V added. "Hyung, can you do it for them again?" Everyone looked at him with expectations in their eyes.

"It's the golden opportunity so both of you *V and y/n* consider yourself lucky that you got to see it." He said and sat down.

"Since the competitor denies showing, we shall continue

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"Since the competitor denies showing, we shall continue. So, the person who got the highest points is.... Drum roll please." We started clapping our hands and some of them banged the table to give the drum roll effect. "It is Jung kook!!" We all clapped in joy.

"The reason why he got such high score is not only was his walk funny but it was simple and impactful." Y/n said between the applause that reverberated around the house. "I had told all of you that I have a surprise. Do you guys wanna know what it is?" We nodded in excitement. Y/n bought a bag from inside.

"Since JK is the winner he is going to get double of what all of you are going to get. I got you all this." She held up a snack...well it looked like a snack.

"What is that?" Jimin asked

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"What is that?" Jimin asked.

"Try it *Passes the snacks*. It is very tasty." It sure does look tasty.

"STOP!! I will open a packet and if you all like it then all of you can proceed." Jin hyung told. He opened the packet and passed those tiny heart shaped biscuits. It was coated with sugar.

"Go on you will love it. And before you eat let me warn you, I do not have more of these and we will be going shopping again probably after two months or maybe more. So be careful." Y/n said after which we all took a bite. It was delicious.

"Okay guys that's it. Test sample is over. Open your own packets and eat'em." Jin hyung said and went to hide his. We all took our packets and went to our room to hide it.

Writer POV

Everyone went in chattering with excitement. You and V were the only people left. "Thank you for brightening up the mood." He said.

"We all needed it. The place seemed dull. You also weren't that much of a bad judge."

"I know that. Since I am the fashion icon and the most handsome man alive..."

"Well there is Jin whom you have to beat for that title."

"Oh no I did beat him. Next year I will be named the most handsome man alive." Y/n was surprised to hear.

"Damn it I forgot you're from the future for a minute. Anyway, since you did a good job I shall give you my packet too." 

V got excited but calmed down since he did not want to seem rude

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V got excited but calmed down since he did not want to seem rude. "It's okay. They all are roommates. We are... but we sleep in the living room so..."

"I got it. You don't have to explain. Just tell me a place we can store this without the others finding it out."

"Since I am the owner of this'd be my pleasure." You giggled and went to show him the place.

While cooking...

"Jin, can you pass me the bowl." You asked Jin, who had offered to help you. He was trying to learn a new recipe which is why he stood there with a book and pen; noting down each step. "You don't have to write down everything I do."

"I am not." He said doubtfully.

"Are you sure?" To which he gave up and cut of few unwanted lines. You giggled it away. Jin went to the living room to call the other guys. Instead, he stood there dazed. You came out as you didn't hear him call. "Jin aren't you gonna call." He flinched. "Y/n it is all thanks to you." He said as he smiled looking at the six guys laughing...happy.

"Thanks, for what?"

"For making them happy. It's been a year...a very hectic year. I know it's not my place to say this but I am happy this happened. We had to go through what not to achieve people's respect and love yet in one night all of it was stolen. Since that night till now we hadn't expected anything. All of a sudden we come here." Jin looked like a satisfied father looking at his six joyous kids.

"Thanks to me; I just tried to lighten the mood. And don't feel guilty about you guys coming here. You were not the only one who needed a break. I owe all of you big time. I don't know for how long you guys will stay here but let's make it worth the while." Jin nodded to that and looked back at his contented brothers.

The dinner was also fun. All of you guys told each other one of their fond, embarrassing and funny memories. It was a night to remember. V and you went to the couch after wishing everyone good night. "It was one hell of a day." V said.

"I agree and I love being this tired because then-"

"You can get a good night's sleep." V completed the sentence. "Jin hyung thanked you, right?"

" did you know?"

"He is very predictable. He can get annoyed so easily but has been controlling it for a long time only for us. He and RM hyung have been shouldering all the responsibility for a long time. They needed...they deserved this break." As he was talking you wondered what had happened in the future that put these amazing people in a blunder of hell. 

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