Extract #7

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Passion drives everything. When planning their lives, people look for a career in a field they're passionate about. They strive to have a passionate relationship, to be madly in love or lust or anything, so long as it is intense, dramatic and passionate. In some places of the world, terrible deeds are less terrible if they are called "crimes of passion."

Given the power this emotion has, is it really such a bad thing to yearn for some passion to fill my dull life? I've never had any. With my qualifications, I couldn't get a job that wasn't dull and devoid of future prospects. It couldn't be called a career. My family show me love that is more dutiful than the passionate, fierce, protective love that some people have for their families. I have a handful of friends, who lead their own lives, and drift in and out of mine as they remember to. As for my love life...

It's not quite non-existent. My sister, she of perfect love life, recently recommended a dating app that some of her more adventurous friends apparently enjoy. I thought this might be the thing for me. I forgot that her friends are like her. Their idea of excitement is a middle-class bachelor with a BMW. And while Natalie was lucky enough to marry her childhood sweetheart, who was besotted with and happened to be a lawyer, this 'dream' isn't really everybody's.

So when I joined the app, only to see a sea of suit-wearing bores with no personality and jobs in banks, accountancy firms and offices, I quickly got bored. You see, the trouble with these people is that they don't care much about anything. They have no passion. Would John ruin is pristine suit screwing me in a secluded spot in the woods? Of course not. It would be sex with the lights off every now and then. Would Richard cheat on me and drive me mad? No, he would probably politely break up with me for a mundane 'it's not working out' reason. I doubt William would impulsively challenge Allen to fight for my affections.

With these dull, generic-named men there is no drama. It is all suits and smiles. There will be no crimes of passion. If they committed a crime, it would be something dull. A parking infraction, possibly.

None of them would kill for me.

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