I don't dream about you anymore.

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I've moved on, after so many months of waiting for you to call me,

I've finally reached that long awaited day when I can say that I'm over you.

I tell all my friends with a smile that I'm so over you;

So over you that I don't think about you every day

So over you that I don't flinch when I say your name

So over you that your face doesn't haunt my dreams anymore

So over you that I don't check my phone every five minutes, just in case.

They're grateful. Grateful that I won't change because of you;

I could have thrown my life away.

I could have hidden in my room and cried.

I could have sworn off love.

I could have broken down, shaved my head, joined a gang.

They say I could have done anything because of what you did to me.

Not anymore.

But I must confess, I wonder;

If you called me right now, am I over you enough to not pick up?

If I saw you right now, would I have the dignity to walk away without a word?

Yes, I must confess that I wonder if I'm over you enough.

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