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"Now for our Plus Ultra Announcements! Kacchan, if you may?" Izuku signals for Katsuki to read his lines.

Katsuki turned his microphone on. "By 8:30AM, students are expected to be assembled at school grounds for the campus-wide orientation with our very own Principal Nezu!" Katsuki presses on a button in the sound board that makes a clapping sound. "Say, Deku, did you know that UA's doing something a little different this year for the first day?"

"Right! Freshmen are getting campus tours from upperclassmen volunteers this year! You'll be seeing yours truly and Kacchan later! We'll announce what areas you should go for respective tour guides later so we'll have the first years keep their ears open for today's broadcast all throughout!" Izuku mutes his microphone and proceeds to flip to the next page of their script.

"As for the upperclassmen, y'all ain't going to get anything special. Ha, losers!" Izuku looks at the blond wide-eyed and mouths a "Kacchan?!"

Katsuki stuck his tongue out at his green-haired friend. "Anyways, while we're waiting for Present Mic for faculty announcements of the day, we'll be reading your tweets with on Twitter with #FirstDayWithUA!"

Katsuki and Izuku scrolled through the bird app for appropriate entries. "We try to keep things private here so we'll just let you guys do the username digging if you want." Katsuki noddrr and took a sip out of his water bottle. Izuku raises a brow at his phone's screen. "This one's interesting, Kacchan." Izuku said, face suddenly serious. "Then read it, tree head!" Izuku frowns at Katsuki who gives him a grin. He then proceeds to read the tweet.

"From an anonymous user, "Good morning, Bakugo-senpai. I hope to see you today since I kind of just went to this school because of my crush on you, but I'm still very shy. Have a nice day, I'm sure you look pretty today, as you always do." "

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