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Evi sucked a long pull of liquid through her straw, indulging in the sour burn of whiskey and sweet relief of cola as it slid over her tongue. When her mouth was full, she released the suction and enjoyed the warmth as the beverage slid into her stomach. She turned her attention to the stage, where the band prepared to start their next song. It started with the thump of the bass drum that she felt in her chest, then the guitars screeched to life, sending shivers throughout her extremities. The lead singer stepped up to the mic and sang/screamed the lyrics to the crowd. She closed her eyes and let the song surround and engulf her entire body. She let the rhythm take over and bopped to the beat. The world around her disappeared. All that existed was the beat and her body. For a moment, she felt like she did when she had gone through training. The environment surged through her, making her aware of every cell in her body, zapping it alive and filling her with energy and excitement.

"This is just about the last place I would expect to find you."

The words cut through her brain and broke the music's spell. With a faint sense of disappointment, she opened her eyes. She took half a step back as her gaze fell onto Construction Guy. Her heart fluttered in her chest, the adrenaline that had been lost from the song was replaced with a shot from seeing him. He stood right next to her, his body an inch from her left side, but with as loud as the music was, he had to get close for her to be able to hear.

His nearness was both intriguing and uncomfortable. He had apparently gone home to shower and change. The dirt smudges that had adorned his face had been scrubbed clean, leaving behind tan lines and smooth skin. The scent of lemons and sage rose from his body. He wore a pair of dark blue jeans and a red T-shirt that accentuated his physique. He held a beer bottle in his right hand and lifted it toward her as his body bounced to the beat.

Evi took in the sight for a few moments longer, letting a small smile touch her lips, then she found her groove and let the song overtake her once again. She didn't lose herself completely like she had before; she kept herself fully aware of his presence and even allowed herself to bump into him as she swayed to the beat. He didn't seem to mind. He never pulled away. Her breath caught in her throat, and she allowed herself to be taken away by the magic of the moment.

As the song ended, cheers rose from the crowd, and Evi once again opened her eyes. She grabbed her beverage and took another long drink. The band bowed a few times, signaling their set was done. She pulled the earplugs from her ears and smiled at Construction Guy. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he got the chance, the lead singer pushed his way through the crowd and slammed into her table.

"We fucking rocked it tonight!" His voice was loud and boisterous, and several others heard what he had said, which elicited another round of applause and hoots from the crowd.

Evi's smile grew wider. "Yes, you did. It was an amazing show!"

The singer reached forward and placed his hands behind Evi's head. Leaning forward, he planted a kiss right onto her lips, which she was more than happy to return. His lips were dry and rough, and she tasted the sweat that had formed in the space between his nose and lips. His clammy hands stuck to the back of her neck, but the excitement that surged through him transferred into her, and she happily shared his thrill. He pulled away and let out a Woooo! that encouraged the crowd to do the same.

"This calls for a celebration. C'mon, Evi. Come have fun with us." He turned and looked at Construction Guy, as if just noticing him for the first time. "And bring your friend too." He turned on his heel and headed toward the back of the stage, giving the crowd high fives along the way.

Evi turned, noticing that Construction Guy had his hands in the air, as if she had just told him to "Stick 'em up." A look of shock and disappointment covered his face, his eyes were wide, but his mouth turned down in a frown.

The Consequences of Coerced Evolution (Book 1 in the Legends of Erosvold)Where stories live. Discover now