Episode 1: Aboard the Drama Train, Part 1

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*Chris is standing on a platform at an outdoor train station*

Chris: Welcome back to your favorite reality TV show, total drama!! This season we are returning with 20 contestants from previous seasons who will compete for a prize of ONE. MILLION. DOLLARS!!!

Our contestants will be boarding the drama train and traveling to different locations where our challenges will take place. Our contestants should be arriving right now!

First up, we have the boyfriend-stealing goth chick, Gwen!

*A car pulls up and Gwen reluctantly gets out*

Gwen: Are we really still talking about that? I learned from my mistakes! I've done plenty of good things since then!!

Chris: But would it make good television if we let your mistakes go? I don't think so. So as long as you're here, any stupid mistakes you make can and probably will be exploited for views.

Gwen: *Unenthusiastically* And that is why I HATE this show.

*Gwen walks over to the platform*

Chris: Next up, we have the sarcastic know-it-all Noah!!

*Noah gets out of the car and walks up to the platform*

Noah: I did not sign up for another season of this insanity.

Chris: You have a contract, therefore you are subject to another season of torture whenever the producers decide they need you.

Next up, we have the bossy, rage-filled CIT Courtney!!!

Courtney: Look, as much as I hate this show, I was unfairly flushed last time I was here. After all of the horrific things I have been subject to on this show, I DESERVE THAT MONEY!!!

*Courtney glances at the platform and sees Gwen standing there*

Courtney: *quietly* No. freaking. Way. Not this again.

*Courtney walks over to the platform and avoids standing near Gwen*

Chris: Up next is the psychotic military asset Izzy!!

Izzy: Im so excited to be back here!! Working for the military was fun, but a chance for a million dollars is even more exciting!! If I get the money, Im going to study for a degree in psychology *laughs*

Chris: Uuuuh, that's... Interesting. Next up we have the dumb blonde, Lindsay.

Lindsay: Im so excited to be here, Chandler!!

Chris: It's CHRIS. You've been on this show for four seasons and you still haven't gotten that through your head

Lindsay: huh, I guess not.

Chris: okay, next we have the annoying delinquent who blew up my cottage, Duncan!

Duncan: I hate this *bleep* show!!

Chris: look, I'm not your biggest fan either, considering the fact that you destroyed MY property, but the fans like you, and we need the viewers. But I'm keeping an eye on you...

*Five more cars pull up in a line at the station*

Chris: Next up, from our revenge of the island cast, we have Zoey, Mike, Cameron, and Anne Maria, Scott!!

Zoey: Hey, guys! It's nice to see you again.

Scott: Can it, nice girl. I'm here to win.

*Anne Maria sprays an excessive amount of hair spray at Scott, causing him to choke*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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