With you

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The next few weeks are a bit awkward between Licheng and Muren with Licheng being fiddly and sensitive around him. Muren is aware that Licheng is going through something but doesn't push him for an explanation, giving him time to figure out whatever ‌he is struggling with.

Muren is on his balcony having a coffee and looking down into their backyard where Licheng and Xingsi are playing ball with Meili. He has been staring at them fondly for some time now and doesn't notice Yongjie approaching him from behind.

"I told you to act fast. I told you he would be taken forever." Yongjie mumbles, taking him by surprise.

"What?" he snorts.

"You know what! Even if the mother is not in the picture right now, she might come back. And even if she doesn't, he's too busy with the kid to even think of anyone else right now. You had your chance, and you blew it. It's too late now." he berates him.

Muren turns away, annoyed. "It's not late. I never had the intention of letting him know in the first place."

Yongjie doesn't give up. He leans into the balcony railing, blocking Muren's vision. "I still don't understand why you deny it when you can't stop staring at him. I'm sure even Licheng might have noticed your pining by now."

"Maybe you haven't noticed, but he is straight. And has a family now. My feelings don't matter anymore." Muren says, setting down his cup on the table next to them.

"Maybe he is. But I did observe how he looks at you." he smirks.

"What do you mean? Looks at me, how?" he asks, urgently.

"He looks at you exactly the way you look at him. Aahh, the pining... all the time... all around the house... honestly, I'm tired of both of you." he complains and goes back inside to join the group below.

Muren is not sure if there is any truth in Yongjie's observation, but he is sure of the subtle changes in Licheng's behavior since the night Meili got sick. Not to mention the night when he had checked him out blatantly.

He has also noticed how Licheng's face lights up every time he is with Meili or how he has been pampering him as much as he does with his daughter. He had only assumed he was being thankful for helping ‌out with Meili. Frankly, it would be the best thing that ever happened to him if there was any truth to what Yongjie said. However, he doesn't want his thoughts running wild, imagining feelings that aren't there only to be disappointed at the end. He cannot get his hopes high, not when it also concerns Meili now.

But the brief chat with Yongjie leaves Muren distrait and even morose. He feels agitated imagining all the what if scenarios when suddenly he hears a knock on the door that brings him back to reality. When he sees the person standing in front, it knocks the wind out of him.

"Hi. I'm Mei Xiu. I need to meet Xiao Licheng. Is he home?" She introduces herself.

He had only seen her once in one of Licheng's Facebook posts a while back, but her standing here now could only mean one thing. It terrifies him and he freezes in panic.

"I... I just came,"

She starts but gets interrupted when Licheng emerges from the backyard with Meili in tow. "Mei Xiu! What are you doing here?"

Meili looks at her mother and hides behind Licheng's leg. She cries instantly, clinging tightly to his leg.

"Guys, can you please give us some privacy?" Licheng requests, looking at his three friends.

Xingsi and Yongjie leave for their room and Muren picks up Meili and takes her inside to calm her down. She cries and cries. No matter how much Muren tries to convince her she doesn't have to leave them or go anywhere, Meili is uncontrollable. She cries until she tires himself and falls asleep on Muren's shoulder.

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