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Muren isn't quite sure how much time has passed. He knows he is crying and, at some point, has fallen into Licheng's arms, but can hardly grasp what Licheng is whispering in his ears. He jerks back when Licheng kisses him softly on the cheek.

"With me?"

Licheng wipes his tears with his thumbs. "If you want to."

"You... you and... you and me together? As friends?"

"Not friends." Licheng corrects him quickly.

"Not friends. Then... you,"

"If you would have me as your partner."

"Partner? You and I... partners... like a family... you and I?" Muren stutters at every word, still unable to comprehend what Licheng is suggesting. He walks over to the other side of the kitchen and finds a bar stool to sit on before his legs give way and he crumbles to the floor.

"Yes." Licheng replies immediately and walks over to him.

"I don't understand."

"I know. I'm not making sense to you. But I had to let you know how I feel. It was eating me up inside. All these feelings and doubts. I can't hide these anymore." Licheng sits down next to Muren.

"You like women." Muren states blankly as he looks up to face Licheng.

"I know. I did. And I know you do too. But somehow I've fallen for you, TengTeng." he declares.

"Why?" Muren still can't believe if this is really happening, or it's another one of his what-if scenarios that have been playing in his head since before Mei Xiu showed up at their house.

"Why? Because... Because I... I can't stop thinking about you, TengTeng. It hurts when you are not around, and it hurts more when you are sad. But when you smile, you light up my world. Every time I see you with Meili, I can't help but fall in love with you. It's driving me insane, TengTeng. I want nothing more in this world, you and Meili are my whole life now."

"Why now? After all these years?"

"TengTeng, you told me to have faith. When I was doubting myself about bringing Meili home, you told me to believe in myself and follow my heart. I'm doing that now. I know what my heart wants. And I want to know if you want the same thing or,"

Muren doesn't let him finish. He grabs Licheng by his neck and pulls him close.

All of Licheng's doubts are shut down the next instant when Muren kisses him. Muren's heart pounds hard, ready to jump out of his chest. The soft lips and the hard kiss are what it takes for Muren to realize that this is not his imagination. It finally dawns on him that this is all as real as it can get. All his anguish and heartache of the past two years suddenly seem pointless. He never presumed Licheng would reward his unrequited love, but it was finally happening.

Licheng grips Muren's waist as they stand up slowly, without breaking the kiss, pressing their bodies together. And this close to Licheng, Mu and press hear his thumping heartTell. Licheng pushes him back to take support against the nearest wall before diving in full on into the kiss.

"I really wanted to kiss you that night." Licheng admits when they finally stop to breathe.

Muren looks at him, puzzled.

"The night when Meili was sick, you came in to my room in the middle of the night. You looked so cute. And that was the moment I realized how much I wanted you in my life... I knew then what you meant to me." Licheng kisses his cheek again.

"I've wanted to kiss you for the past two years." Muren confesses, smiling sheepishly.

"Wait! Two years? You've actually liked me for so long?" Licheng draws back to question him.

"You are going to make me wait more?" Muren pouts.

Licheng doesn't waste another second. He pins Muren to the wall and kisses him like there is no tomorrow.

"TengTeng, you are really sure about this, right?" He doesn't want to stop kissing but also desperately needs to know if Muren has really thought this through. It was an enormous commitment. They were jumping ahead into being a family straight.

"Since when do you think this much? Weren't you the carefree one?" Muren hisses at the interruption and gets back to kissing Licheng down his neck.

"I love you, TengTeng. And I want only the best for you. But I have Meili. I know you love her as much as I do. But if this is not what you want... It is a huge responsibility... I would understand, if you have doubts,"

"Do you have doubts?" Muren questions back, not letting him finish.

"No! Not about you. Not about us. I still doubt myself. If I'm good for Meili? If I'm a good father? But with you... I know you will make me the happiest person in the world if you agree to be part of my life."

"Licheng, you are the most annoying person I've ever known... but you are also the most kind and caring person. You are an awesome father. Trust me. And... I love you too, Licheng. I've loved you forever. So, I want this as much as you do."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Licheng cups his cheeks and stares into his eyes, feeling guilty for the pain he had caused Muren unknowingly all this while.

"I never thought I stood a chance."

"I was a fool. It took too long to realize my heart's passion."

"Yes, yes, you are a fool, indeed." Muren teases, pulling him closer once more.

Licheng chuckles. "TengTeng, you and Meili are the best thing that ever happened to me. I trust you and I know you will be the best father to her. I love you guys sooooo much." Licheng hugs him tight once again while raining kisses all over his face and neck.

Less than a month has passed since Licheng and Muren had moved into their new home, so Meili could finally have her own room and more space to play and grow up. Also, as per Licheng, it was high time Xingsi got his life and privacy back. And for all the vehement protest he put up, Yongjie didn't waste time in moving in with Xingsi.

Their new place was closer to Meili's daycare, but also within walking distance of their old apartment. So they could still use their old roommates for babysitting conveniently.

For as long as he could remember, Muren had always dreamt of having his own place where he would live with his family. And in most of those dreams, Licheng was living with him as his pet. Because even in his dreams he had never expected Licheng to become his lover. It was always him, alone in the big house, with a troublesome pet as a roommate.

Since the things we do not expect happen more frequently than the ones we wish for, his dream had actually come true. And the reality was even better than his dreams. He never hoped but Meili's arrival had changed everything in his life for the better. Now, he wasn't alone in his new house. He was living with the love of his life as his partner and they have a precious daughter together.

Everything was just perfect. And he could never wish for anything more. Or perhaps just one more thing.

For what it's worth, the past 6 months have been the best in both their lives, even with all the challenges and hardships. But the one thing that would make them both even happier is hearing Meili call them 'bàba'.

Meili had somehow picked up calling them by their names, whatever she could pronounce anyway. She calls them 'Lichi' and 'TenTen' much to Licheng's dismay. She loves them both equally but refuses to acknowledge them as their fathers. It is just another one of the challenges they strive to overcome as soon as possible to make their perfect life, a happy one.

The End.


Finally we've reached the end. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Please do let me know in the comments.

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