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Being best friends with Nirvana would include...

— Bro, they're literally the most chaotic chill people in existence

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— Bro, they're literally the most chaotic chill people in existence

— Like they're so extremely chill, but yet so chaotic

— Lol, for starters, Kurt is really hilarious, but he doesn't try to be

— You guys definitely, definitely, definitely have deep discussions late at night

— You'll go on walks together just to get out

— If you get the opportunity, you love watching him write songs bc he comes up with the most amazing stuff

— He tries to explain how he comes up with stuff but you guys always end up laughing bc he doesn't know how to explain it

— He's always down to take a photo if you ask him

— Helping him dye his hair different colors whenever he feels like it

— Dave is definitely like the brother you never had

— You have lots of inside jokes that are super weird bc you guys have the same weird, sense of humor

— Him letting you style his hair in different ways and just wearing it like it's no big deal, even if it looks horrible

— He'll definitely be ready to square up if some guy ever breaks your heart

— But if it doesn't come to that, he'll just get a whole bunch of food, and you will just chill and watch movies together until you feel better

— You call him Animal bc of the way he plays the drums with such intensity, like Animal the Muppet

— "Yo! Animal!"
*responds as if you called him by name

— Last but not least, we have Krist

— So bc he's a giant, you guys make fun of each other's height

— "What's the view like from up there?"
"What's the view like from down there?"

— He'll hold things up high above his head so you have to try and jump to get them

— Communicating in sarcasm

— You guys can butt heads sometimes bc his opinions are so unique, but it's all love at the end of the day

— Trying to teach you how to play bass, but somehow you always end up getting distracted and talking about other stuff

— But all in all, it's always a good time with those guys ;)

A/n: Alright, this was one of the shorter ones, but I hope you like it. Again, this one was written a while ago, so I could always write a better one in the future. I hope you liked it though!

 I hope you liked it though!

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