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it was now the next day, friday.

once again it was break and sunoo found himself in the library again, hoping he would see a certain face.

he stood there for a good minute, fiddling with the corner of a book and making glances at the door.

to his avail, he saw sunghoon enter the library.

sunoo adverted his eyes to the book, pretending to read it so he wouldn't be caught staring.

after a few minutes of waiting he didn't hear or see sunghoon near him.

he glanced up from the book and looked around, he almost screamed when he saw sunghoon staring at him through an opening from the next isle.

a smirked appeared on the latters face "were you looking for me?"

sunoo scoffed, trying his hardest to not make it obvious "no?"

"you're a really bad liar" sunghoon made his way to the same isle sunoo was in "it's alright tho, cause you're cute"

sunoo's face started turning red "um- about yesterday, you and heeseung?" he tried changing the topic.

"okay, changing the topic i see" sunghoon grinned, analyzing sunoo's expression.

"hey! i'm just trying to find out what's up with you two"

"alright alright, nothing much to explain though"

"what do you mean?"

sunghoon shrugged his shoulders "he's not very fond of me getting close to you and we've just never really gotten along"

"never really gotten along?" sunoo question, crossing his arms.

"we went to high school together, which we were always competitive academically and sport wise"

"also in looks" sunghoon added.

sunoo also laughed at the mention of the fighting over looks "that's stupid"

"who do you think is more handsome?"


"you heard me"

sunoo didn't know who to say.  sunghoon is definitely hot but heeseung is his friend, and also doesn't look bad.

"um- heeseung" sunoo honestly wanted to choose sunghoon, but that would be weird.

sunghoon scoffed "i can tell you're lying, again."

"am i really that obvious??" sunoo said out loud.

a smirk made it's way onto sunghoon's face, which sunoo didn't fail to notice "what?"


"what? i want to know"

"it's nothing."

sunoo rolled his eyes "but i-" he was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing.

he sighed before looking at the caller id, it was heeseung.

"who is it?" sunghoon tried to look at the name but sunoo put the phone to his ear.

"hello? okay i'll be there in a minute, bye"

"who was that?" sunghoon raised a brow.

sunoo shrugged his shoulders "my boyfriend"

it got silent for a moment.

sunghoon looked at the latter, not breaking eye contact "you have a boyfriend?"



"why do you care?"

"tell me." sunghoon's intense gaze made sunoo shiver.

"heeseung hyung"

sunghoon made a sour expression "him. really?"

upon seeing the looks sunghoon was giving off made sunoo want to laugh.

he smiled "no im joking, but i need to go since heeseung needs me to give him homework answers"

sunghoon's face turned pale out of embarrassing, he looked away "can't someone else help him?"

"nope cause niki and jungwon don't do there homework either"

"okay, see you tomorrow?"

"yep, bye!" with that sunoo waved and walked off.


sunoo walked into the lounge and went towards the bean bags.

"hyung i'm here"

the older looked up, watching sunoo sit down "what took so long?"

"i was in the library, sorry" sunoo scratched the back of his neck.

"there's more to it."


heeseung put down his papers "you weren't just in the library doing nothing." he raised a brow.

"i mean obviously i was looking for books? that's what a library is for"

"why do you even try to lie? you're bad at it and you know that."

"what the fuck heeseung. i came here to help you, not for you to be rude."

the older glared at him and said nothing.

"okay maybe i just won't help." sunoo stood up and was about to leave.

"you were with sunghoon, weren't you?"

sunoo stopped and looked back "maybe i was. do you have a problem with that?"

"i do, i don't want you near him. i don't fucking like him."

sunoo scoffed "don't tell me what i can and can't do."  he walked away as the bell rung.

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