Chapter 2

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Xiao sat stiffly in his chair next to Aether as he stared at him sweetly. Xiao was careful with his movements and choices as he knew Aether wouldn't hesitant to hurt him. He wasn't enjoying this 'dinner' at all.

Aether had invited Xiao to join him for dinner. Not that he really had an option to decline as Aether basically dragged him with him to the dining hall but before he did, Aether gave Xiao new clothing. It was a red robe lined with golden accents, it looked 'beautiful' as Aether said but Xiao thought it was too suggestive. The sleeves easily slid down and exposed his collarbone and there was a slit that started at his upper thigh all the way down, exposing his entire thigh. Aether knew what he was doing when he picked the outfit.

Now Xiao was here. Xiao was uncomfortable to say the least. "Xiao darling...what will it take for you to love me again.." Aether suddenly asked lowly as he cut the steak that was on his plate, ever so delicately. The question seemed to echo ominously through the walls as silence overtook to large hall.

Xiao unknowingly flinched at the question but opened his mouth to answer regardless. "I..I want my old Aether back.." he said looking Aether straight in his eyes as he tried to look confident although inside, he was terrified.

Aether seemed to freeze at his response as his fork dropped onto the table as his body stilled. "But, I'm right here my love. I'm your Aether, just a little do I put it..? Better? No that's not" Aether almost seemed to be teasing the poor boy. "I-"
"Do not interrupt me!" He shouted as he stabbed his steak, causing the plate to shatter.

Xiao eyes widened at the shout and winced at the piece of the plate that cut his left palm. It wasn't that deep and didn't really hurt Xiao but Aether's eyes widen as he stood up abruptly and grabbed Xiao's hand.

"Oh dear, I am so sorry my love.." He said as he wrapped Xiao's hand with a bandage..that...he just pulled out of his pocket. He strangely seemed to just have those on hand.

His touch was soft, and caring. So different from his first touch when Xiao appeared here, seethingly hot and uncomfortable. After wrapping his hand Xiao looked at him skeptically as Aether caressed his face.

Aether's gaze hardened as his hand was quickly removed from Xiao's cheek. "What is it?" He said sharply. "Your majesty, you have an important meeting right now"

An abyss herald said from behind him. "Right..I forgot, I'll be there in a minute" Aether said dismissing the herald. It bowed it's head before leaving with a wisp.

Aether grabbed Xiao hands and smiled sweetly. "I have to go now but-" he gripped Xiao's injured hand, purposely pressing down, causing him pain. Xiao was pulled closer to Aether's face as he looked darkly into Xiao's eyes causing him to shrink back in his seat. "If you try to escape. I will know.."

A wisp was heard from behind him. A portal back to their room.

With one hard push he was sent through the portal and back into his room with a tumble.

"Goodbye my love!" Aether said with a sweet smile on his face from the otherside of the portal as it closed. Xiao's eyes widened at his smile, how could he forget that sweet sweet smile. Tears welled up in his eyes as he stared at the place where the portal once was.

Tears freely dripped down his face. *How pathetic, an Adeptus crying on his knees, how insulting. I thought Adepti were proud and fearless, is this really the yaksha that slayed me?*

*It couldn't be, he had such a stotic face and showed no mercy toward us*

*How Pathetic*






"Shut up!!" Xiao shouted out as his head filled with voices. "Please.. Leave me alone..."

Xiao gripped his hair tightly as the voices seemed to get louder.

*A YAKSHA begging?*

*This is the most entertainment I've ever had in over a thousand years!*

*So pathetic!!*

*Maybe that's why he couldn't keep his love safe, he's grown soft*

*Now look at his love!*

*I like the new Aether!*

*The old one was such a drag, no entertainment at all*

*The new Aether doesn't hesitate to hurt this little yakasha*

*I think he really does deserve punishment after all he's done*

*Killing all those innocent people and children, he's more the demon than we are*

Xiao's head filled with voices and he couldn't think. "Don't talk about Aether that way.." He said lowly as his headache ached even more.

Xiao became frantic with his movement, he bashed his head over and over again on the floor trying to rid himself of the voices and headaches.

It seemed to work as the voices became silent and the ache stopped.

He then felt something wet on his head, he reached up to touch it and saw blood. He pursed his lips into a thin line when he saw his blood.

His hand was suddenly grasped and he was met with Aether glaring daggers at him. 'So that's why the voices stopped'

"What do you think you're doing..?" Aether asked lowly.

He was screwed..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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