The eternal elements!: Epic battle part one!

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(Spyro's pov)

"Princess Celestia. You summoned me?" I said rushing into the throne room. Celestia and princess luna sat there on their thrones waiting.

"Spyro, I'm glad you've come. I must admit it's an honor to meet a skylander in person." Celestia said smiling.

"Huh?" I was immediately confused. An honor? But she's the princess here?

"We are quite aware of your situation Spyro. Or rather the new Spyro" Luna informed.

"Wait how do you know that?" I said slightly on guard. Without hesitation, the royal guards around me prepared for a fight.

"Hold on. Let's not get hasty now. I was the one who told them about you," A voice called out. I looked around confused until I heard footsteps coming up from behind. I turned around and gasped.

"After all my buddy Spyro wouldn't have kept himself secret!" The figure laughed before tripping over and accidentally letting the food in his mouth spill out.

"After all my buddy Spyro wouldn't have kept himself secret!" The figure laughed before tripping over and accidentally letting the food in his mouth spill out

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"You're Eruptor!" I shouted in glee.

"It's nice to see ya Spyro! Or at least your body!" He glowed like literally glowed.

"Can someone clean that up?" Luna sighed jerking her head towards the lava puddle.

"You know I thought you'd be more furious with me?" I said relieved knowing about Eruptor's hot-headed nature. He laughed like he was meeting an old friend walked over and placed a flaming orb? Hand? Limb? On my back. Smiling he hit down hard.

"Oh, I was. I was so mad that I melted my entire room!" His smile turned forced. I chuckled nervously. 

"But that's in the past, Thank's to some lesson's from these princesses I've managed to control my anger." He said suddenly becoming zen.

"Mostly" One of the guards mumbled.

"I heard that!" Eruptor growled.

"If you and cynder are here then where are the rest of the Skylanders? I wanna meet some imaginators, superchargers, and some trap-team!" I said excitedly after escaping from Eruptors lava bulb. Eruptor looked at me strangely with a sad look in his eyes.

"So you don't know. Well, I guess it's no surprise cynder was looking for Spyro around that time." He sighed and as a testament to his growth, he made a lava chair. Man, he really had changed.

"Wait what? Did something happen?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, something did happen. I'm not good with all this history stuff but I can tell ya what I remember." Eruptor took a deep breath and wasn't looking forward to what he had to do.

" You see five years after Spyro disappeared, And four after cynder left to find you Kaos attacked. Wielding extreme powers and with minions stronger than we have ever faced. We stood no chance Skylanders fell left and right. Eventually, it was just me and stealth-elf left standing, Oh and master eon." Eruptor scratched his head trying to remember the rest. After a minute he made a sound most likely meaning he had remembered.

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