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A/N: If any language seems a bit off it's probably because I'm Norwegian, but you'll survive I'm sure :)
Any faults in the legal proceedings will 100% be blamed on the corruption of Magical Britain.

"Identification papers, please." said a wizard in the Azkaban guard uniform.

Remus dug his hand into his abnormally large jacket pocket and retrieved a muggle passport and a small piece of paper. The guard snatched the identification from his shaking hands and looked them over for a long minute. "Remus John Lupin, eh?"

Remus nodded.

"Wha' business 'ave an unemployed fellah like yeh go' 'ere?" the guard studied the small paper carefully. "Yeh know we only allow entrance fer ministry officials."

Remus retrieved an additional paper from his pocket and handed it to the guard. "Business on behalf of Dumbledore."

The guard's eyebrows rose higher and higher as he reached the end of the text and after a while, finally nodded. "Well, tha' should be all in order. Follo' me." He turned around and began walking briskly without waiting for Remus, who despite his long legs had to jog to keep up with the guard.

The closer they came to the entrance, the colder it got, and Remus had to fight the urge to run away as old memories threatened to resurface. By a doorway blocked by a stream of water, the guard finally stopped. "Now all yeh'll do is walk through the stream – reveals disguises, yeh see – and I'll show ye ter the cell. Yeh'll 'ave this back o'course," he gave back the muggle passport and the small piece of paper but pocketed Dumbledore's letter. "I'll keep this fer the visitors' records."

"Right," Remus nodded.

"Yeh better keep yer wand ready," the guard wearily regarded a nearby dementor. "Jus' in case." He walked through the stream of water, once again not waiting for Remus, appearing keen to get the matter over with quickly. After a moment's hesitation, Remus followed.

The watery stream had done him no harm, but when he had appeared on the other side, his clothes clung tight to his skin in their wet state. He quickly cast drying and warming spells, but though his body was warm, the coldness in his mind had reached an unprecedented level. He shivered as memories of his transformations and the horrors of the war resurfaced.

The guard regarded him for a moment before handing him a small square of chocolate.

Remus ate it hungrily knowing that it would help him like no other thing. "They will nah harm yeh, but yeh'll be wise ter never lower yer wand. Good thing if yeh know the Patronus charm..." he ascended the stairs, skipping every other step, Remus following quickly behind.

After climbing seven flights of stairs, the guard stopped and briskly walked down the hall to his right until he had reached its end, all the while appearing to never notice the loud screams echoing through the hall. He fumbled with his keys and then proceeded to unlock the cell door, behind which was a worn-down stone stair. At the bottom, Remus spotted a malnourished body with long black hair. Sirius.

Sirius looked up at the sound of the key turning. "Visitor fer yeh, Black." Announced the guard before turning to Remus, "I'll leave yeh to it. Send a red spark if yeh need help. A green when ye're done."

Remus walked through the open door, flinching slightly as the door shut loudly behind him and locked him inside the cell of his former friend, turned traitor.

Sirius regarded him carefully with his grey eyes that not so many years ago had regarded him with such love. He seemed incapable of speech, though Remus had heard rumours of him screaming all day for a trial to prove his innocence.

Remus was the one who broke the silence as he slowly descended the stair and sat down on a step midway down, "Finally the flesh resembles the madness within." He said with disgust.

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