Visit 2

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"Funny seein' yeh again! Most don't come at all, bu' 'ere yeh are again!" greeted the Guard upon Remus's second visit that month.

"Dumbledore's orders." Remus said crossly, handing the guard another one of Dumbledore's letters.

"C'mon then." said the guard and walked him through the watery stream, up the stairs and down the hall. The coldness of the dementors pressed harder this time and Remus broke off two pieces of chocolate from a bar he had brought with him in his pocket.

The guard unlocked the door and Remus walked down the stairs, hearing a loud bang behind him, which he recognised as the door closing and locking.

Sirius raised an eyebrow as he saw who had entered his cell.

"Dumbledore's orders." Remus said as way of explaining, crossing his arms across his chest. "He seems to think that we should gather evidence for a trial. Justice and all that." Reluctantly, he handed Sirius a small piece of chocolate.

Sirius muttered a thanks and ate it hungrily with a tiny light of something appearing in his cold grey eyes. "I'll have a trial then?" Sirius asked.

"Probably not. The ministry's keen to avoid anything to do with the war, but nevertheless, Dumbledore'd like for me to write down your side of the story." He sat down on a cold step. "Proceed."

Sirius retold his story and Remus's quill began acting of its own accord, getting down every word. To Remus's dismay, it was the same lie that he had been told the last time.

"Don't you feel that you owe them the truth?" Remus said once Sirius had finished.

Sirius blinked, "This is the truth."

"Then why did you laugh?"

Sirius thought for a moment. "I knew that unassuming, cowardly Peter had outwitted me. He framed me and made sure I'd end up here."

"And that's funny to you?" Remus asked.

"No. Not at all." Sirius said, picking at his filthy robes. "It was ironic." To Remus's disgust, Sirius began laughing, seemingly unable to stop.

"You're barmy." Remus said. "Honestly, it's sickening that you not only lie about this whole thing and then you laugh at it again!"

Remus walked up the stair with the echoes of Sirius's laughter ringing in his ears.

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