chapter 3

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I take my time and gather my belongings. I cannot believe my parent’s brother and entire pack have been wiped out. I break down crying.
“Chloe hurries up girl, we don’t know if the Rogues are still nearby, we have to leave,” my uncle says to me
“I’m almost done, Uncle Victor”
“Fine just hurry”
I look around my room, the closet, and the bathroom, I managed to get everything I want and need. Stray things lay behind I did not want. Two of my uncle's warriors are taking my things to my car for me.
“I’ll be right out I just want to find something”
I go into my parent's room and take things that mean a lot to me, I put my mother’s favourite moon necklace on. Then do the same in my brother’s room, before going into my father's office. I use the passcode and enter his files and hidden things behind the wall. And box it all up, marking it my bedroom stuff. Once his secret room, desk and file cabinets are boxed and, in my car, I follow my uncle out of my territory for the last time and follow him to his territory.
Pulling up the drive behind my uncle I saw my Cousin Varek stepping out of the packhouse.
“How’d it go all taken care of?” I hear Varek ask uncle Victor
“Yes, son all is buried"
“Good they….
I saw his eyes land on me as I get out of my car,
He never did like me,
“I thought you just said they're all buried?”
“Chloe was the only one who survived”
“Well, isn’t that just lucky for you? and how did you manage that?”
“I wasn’t on the territory at the time of the attack, I was at a park by the school”
Varek storms away back into the house. Why is he so mad I lived? I knew he hated me but to wish me dead wow.
“Take her and her things to the cabin around back” my uncle ordered his men
“Wait! I’m not staying in the packhouse with you and Aunt Sonja”?
“You’re not part of my pack, and you will call me Alpha, you’ll live in the cabin out back and help the omegas around the house
“You can’t be serious, I’m family and an Alpha female”
“NOT HERE YOUR NOT, you are no family of mine your lucky I’m even taking you in here on my territory"
“What about grandfather and grandmother?”
“Stay away from them. You will work off your debt to me as staff and attend a school that’s it”
“My debt? what debt?”
“My hospitality you brat, now get out of my sight, an omega will be around to get you”
“This isn’t fair, you can’t do this to me, my mother was your sister”
In a flash, his claws were around my throat,
“I’m the Alpha, I can do as I wish, and yes she WAS my sister, but now she is dead, so you are not my family, now go”
I storm off around back with my stuff to a small cabin tucked in the tree’s unseen from the house. The outside looked run down, the boards on the deck were rotted and busted, when a warrior stepped on it to enter the cabin it snapped.
“Oh my god, you have to be kidding me, I’m not staying in here,” I said when I entered the house.
“Everyone back to patrol” Beta Thomas ordered
“Chloe, I’m sorry about this, I don’t know what your uncle is thinking, but just do what you need to"
“I can’t stay here it is mouldy rotten and leaks, come on do I even have running water and a bathroom”? I asked
“Everything works, I have to go see you later”
I cannot believe I do not even get to mourn the loss of my family and pack. I let my tears fall.
This is hell. How could my own family do this to me, like seriously? Well, I better clean this hell whole before they call me for duty.
I only got a little cleaned up before I had to stop and grieve for my parents, they will never hug me again, make me laugh tell me how proud they are of me, they will not see me shift for the first time find my mate or have a pup. Why did this happen? Why my family, why my pack?
! knock knock!
“Are you Chloe?” Asked a small Blonde Hair green-eyed girl about my age
“Yeah, that’s me”
“I’m Claire I’m here to show you your duties”
“Great just great”
“Are you all, right? Why are you crying?”
“My parents and entire back were all murdered today, my uncle Alpha Victor brought me back here stuck me in here and is making me work”
“Oh, goddess I’m truly sorry Chloe”
“Thank you”
“I wish I could let you be and Morn for your family but the Alpha.”
“it’s fine, let’s go," I say cutting her off
I had to help prepare the dinner for the pack, serve the dinner then clean up after dinner. It was only than I was allowed a small plate of food. Like serious, this is enough for a pup, not a growing teen. It was 9 pm by the time I get back to my little hell hole of a cabin.
There is a knock on my door and when I open it Claire was standing there
“Oh, come on, don’t tell me there is more I need to do”
“no-no, I just thought maybe we could be friends?”
“Oh yeah sure come on in”
It was late into the night before Claire left and reminded me, I had to be up by 4 am to start breakfast, so it would be ready by the time training was 0ver.
But Before I went to bed, I found my debit card and placed it in my phone case, I am going to need money to eat off the territory. I take out my laptop and pull out my father's banking files, he always put in an emergency transfer code in case something was to ever happen. I get to work and put the code in to transfer all my parent's personal and pack money over to my secret account. My parents were the richest pack in Canada, I wonder if that is why the rogues killed them. I did a couple more things, I and my brother were always taught to manage before I turned in for the night. I did not want to wait on doing anything, there is more to my pack's death than what it seems.
Alpha Victor
(On the phone)
“Damn we had a deal you failed”
“I didn’t fail, it isn’t my fault one lonely she-wolf left early today for school”
“Did you find my brother-in-law's files and banking information?”
“No, but we will, my men are heading back tomorrow to tear the office apart, we will find it”
“Don’t mess up again Rogue, I need that money to keep my Pack alive, and if you want your share, you better find what I need”
“What about the one that got away, what do you want to be done with her”
“Leave her be, for now, I made her an omega working around here and going to school. She shouldn't be an issue”
“Very well Victor"
(End of the call)
Damn rogues, they better find me those files and bank files. I will not go down, and I did not have my sister and her mate killed for nothing.
“Father, why isn’t she dead?”
“The stupid bitch left early for school,”
“Does she suspect anything?”
“She suspects something is off, she questions how they weren’t warned, but as far as us being behind the killing's no she has no clue"
“Let me take her out, I’ve always hated that bitch”
“No, do what you want to her, but don’t kill or hurt her to bad, if you do that, she might suspect something”
“If my stupid sister would have just given me the money, I wouldn’t have had to kill her”
“Have you got the files darling?” my mate Sonja asks coming into my office
“No, they couldn’t find them before we got there, when they heard Chloe was at the gate they took off”
“Damn that child, she always was a big pain in the ass”
“When she was gathering her stuff, I tore his office apart, I couldn’t get into the file cabinets”
“What about the Rogues are they going back to find the files?”
“Yes tomorrow, I’m going to go and meet them there and help look”
“In the meantime, everyone off to bed, Varek keep an eye on Chloe”
“Oh, I will, you can count on that”
I just finished washing the last dish then ran to get ready for school. Changing schools now sucks.
I pull my car up to the school and park, you got to love how all eyes look at you when your the new person entering the school. I find the office, get my schedule, and find my locker.
“Well seems this school will let even the dirty dogs in here "
I turn around and face my Cousin Varek”
“You’re not wanted in my pack or my school mutt”
“Believe, me jackass your pack and this school is the last places I want to be"
“What did you call me bitch?”
“Oh, I’m sorry no one told me you were deaf”
Varek punched me in the face, I fell back hitting my head on the locker. I get up fast and went to attack him when a loud voice echoed the hall
“what’s the meaning of this?”
“Miss Slater you’ve only been here 5 minutes and already causing issues I see”
“ME? No way, Varek started it, he even punched me, see?” I pointed to my bleeding lip
“She’s lying Mr. Master’s she tripped and fell”
“I see, well Mr. Quinn see to it nothing else happens today shall we”
“Sure, thing Principal Masters”
“I don’t believe this, you’re such a liar”
“I suggest you button your lip Miss Slater and get to class”
The principal walks away humming as he turns the corner
“Try that shit again bitch and you will have even bigger issues got it”
“As if you scare me Varek”
Just then I am pushed again hitting the floor only this time it was not Varek.
“Listen bitch stay away from my man and watch your mouth"
Great Rachel Talbot the Betas daughter and Varek ‘s whore.
“Touch me again slut and will see what happens”
The bell rings
“Watch how you speak to my future Luna”
“Whatever neither of you will be my Alpha or Luna so piss off”
I walk away and head to my first class.
For the next week, my so-called aunt and uncle and my oh-so-wonderful cousin have made my life hell. They work me like a dog day and night, I never get a second to myself to morn my family.
Varek and Rachel bully me nonstop on pack territory and at school, the Alpha has made it clear if I fought back, he would torture me to death. So, every day I am hit kicked tripped and so on. I could so easily kick their asses, but I cannot. So, everyone thinks I am just a weak omega. I Cannot wait to be eighteen and get my wolf then I can leave this hell.
Alpha victor
“It’s been a week Victor, why haven’t any of you found the files yet?” asked Sonja
“I don’t know, someone was in there and was able to open the file cabinets and took all the files. The rogues found a keypad today behind books there working on cracking it to see what it opens”
“Let’s hope to the money, it’s only a matter of time before Alpha Knight goes good on his word and kills you, Victor”
“You think I don’t know that, Sonja? I LOOK OVER MY SHOULDER Every day AND PRAY TODAY IS NOT THE DAY HE RETURNS"
“Calm down or someone will hear you”
“I should have listened and not made the stupid investments and gambled our money away than I wouldn’t have had to borrow a million dollars from Alpha Black in the first place”
“If your greedy sister would have given you the money when you asked her for it you wouldn’t have had to.”
“She knew about my debt to Alpha Black and what he threatened if no repayment, but she still told me no”
“And now she’s dead, and I still can’t get the money, I must find the money”

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