chapter 5

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have been on the road now for four hours. I had to get gas once, but I am going
to have to stop again at the next gas station. I have no clue as to where I am
even going, I have never travelled before or even been off my parent's
territory till I made the five-hour ride to my uncles, I am trying to head back
towards my old territory but no clue if I even took the right way.
is a sign-up ahead that says, Black River Falls,
no, I am still in my uncle's territory. I fill up with gas at the next gas station
that is just past the sign, grab drinks and snacks and take off before they can
catch up to me. I still cannot believe my uncle was behind the murder of my
entire pack and family, his own sister for crying aloud. And why? Why did he do
it? Was it just for money? I am driving along when I must slam on my breaks,
there in the middle of the road stand three huge wolves. Damn it, how did they
catch up to me so fast. The middle brown and white wolf shifts back to human.
get out of the car now,”
what do I do
now, get out, you are wanted for killing your parents and pack,” said the wolf
They cannot be serious; my uncle is framing me for killing them.
did not do it, my uncle did it, that’s why I left”
out of the car NOW”
is no way I am getting out of this car. I tighten my seatbelt and floor my car,
headed straight for the wolves. At the last second, they move out of the way. I
can see them chasing my car in the rear-view mirror. Then they turn and take
off into the woods. It is their territory still they must know how to get
around in front of me again. I notice a road up ahead to the left and take it, I
must outsmart them.
has been about three hours and there was no sign of a wolf, hell no sign of
anything on this road. It is just a straight road with no turns or anything, I
am not even sure where it goes.
Another two hours and the road opens to a small town, the sign says Welcome to Sweetwater, Ontario. I pull into the gas station and top off my car. I stock up on more snacks and drinks, but I cannot just keep eating junk, so after I leave the gas station, I drive up the road to Donnie’s Diner.
I can smell that everyone in the dinner is human, I do not smell any wolves around. I feel relieved and place my order, I do not let my guard down though I sit where I have a view of my car and the parking lot, as well as the front door. When my food comes, I waste no time gulping it down, I was hungrier than I thought. Plus, I have been driving for twelve hours with no sleep. I need to rest. I pay my bill and hurry to my car, drive down the road when I spot a small mini-mall, I pull in and park my car between two big trucks, I make sure all my doors are locked before I stretch out in the back seat and pull a blanket over myself to try and hide. I was so tired I was out in minutes.

Alpha Victor

fool how did she manage to get away from the three of you?”
tried to run us over Alpha, we ran after her and tried to get in front of her
up the road, but she turned off at 91"
is she now?”
like she made it to the Human town Sweetwater falls”
I will inform the Alphas of the 2 packs out that way to keep an eye out for
about the third pack Alpha?”
won’t make it that far, when I tell the first two packs, she’s a murderer they
will capture her and return her to me”
don’t want her dead Alpha?”
YOU FOOL, she has something I want, once she returns it to me, she will die”
well Alpha, what do you want us to do? We can not do anything well she is in
the human territory”
we can’t take the chance of a human finding out about us, just watch her and
follow her, when she leaves the human territory then capture her, DON’T LET HER
of call)

wolves cannot do anything
pick up the phone and call the two packs in the direction she is going.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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