Chapter Seven

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Angel's Pov
The steady sound of breathing was filling the entire room. The soft repeating of the light snores and the warmth of the night. Every night with him slipping in here to sleep in the bed with me, allowing for me to play with the strands of his white hair while he slept soundly. So I suppose since he those were the usual sounds he made when he was resting in place.

My fingers loosely moved the strands from his view, and muttered lowly a soft chuckle leaving me suddenly fluttering my own heavy eyes in place.

"Do tell me Griffith, is Aria with child yet? She's been in the kitchen non stop." A soft rumbling laugh was heard, causing me to look back to stare into the deep blue hues that were wide awake gazing at me.

"Well who is to truly say. I haven't given her favors since the wedding but it only takes a few tries." His voice was more husky filled with amusement causing me to gently smack at his face, shaking my head a couple times.

"This is why you aren't allowed in my room you always have something undeniably smart and stupid to say." He licked at my palm quickly a smirk twitching over his lips yanking me close with a single grip to my hand leaning in to kiss me firmly moving to roll ontop his him.

"I think that's what you love about me darling." I tugged on his bottom lip playfully  before settling into his lap his hands resting on the lower area of my back.

"Angel you know I want nothing more than for the world to be ours. For us to be together happily where you never have to worry. I've have been debating it for some time now.. And as suspicious as it may make everyone. The only way to make that happen is by killing Aria." I felt a small chill spike down my entire spine looking at him in shock my eyes wide in size.

"I- Griffith you  know I would want nothing more than to be with you freely. But that's taking another life for the benefit of our own. You would be suspected before anymore else." A heavy sigh left his lips leaning his head back a little on the pillows gazing up at me even more moving his palm all over my back almost in a calming way.

"Yes it would be taking someone life but not a good person. Aria isn't a good person Angel and you know this, she treats her mother badly. She treats all her knights including you, she clings to me like I'm a prize that is to be held onto. I never get any space from her, and you and I both know that it wouldn't be much missed." My own sigh was sounded out looking down for a moment.

"I would admit all my life since I was young I've been tormented by her. I took an oath to protect her but.." His eyes were heavily trained on me before his hand moved up to cup at my cheek deeply, rubbing his thumb continually over the soft shape of my brown cheek.

"You deserve more than to be a knight. You deserve to be a queen by my side always." I leaned into his touch for a moment before speaking quietly.

"I want nothing more Griffith you have my heart but I have a strong feeling she is with your child. Just wait." For a moment all he could do was shut his eyes firmly he was very impatient even if he didn't show it openly. Yet every passing day was growing in his veins. He was growing carelessly and his thoughts were growing out of bounds.

For a moment I had suspected he was upset with me before once more his blue eyes were looking at me, he gave me a deep head urging me closer to lay on top of him connecting our lips again into a deep firm kiss he held at my face moving me closer to him switching our positions to were he was on top of me.

I tangled my hands to grip at the back of each white strands of hair both of chuckling on one another's lips.

"You are my Angel and you need to always remember that." He whispered against the soft flesh of my lips moving to lock my legs around his waist firmly in place. I ended up laughing moving to rest my head back onto the surface in the mountain of all pillows.

"An angel that fights like a devil." I teased using his words against him he rolled his eyes playfully grabbing my hands tightly pinning them above my head once again kissing me his laughter mufflling with my own.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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