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Third Person

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Third Person

"Don't take it too hard, man. Pretty boy like you has got nothing to worry about." Billy spoke to Steve, as they were in the locker room showers.

"Plenty of bitches in the sea. Am I right?" Billy smirked turning off the water. "I'll be sure to leave you some." He continued as he walked away. "And stay away from my sister."


Geez news travels fast around here. "Hi Steve." I speak walking up to his locker. It was the end of the day and everyone was scurrying out of the building.

"Venus." "Well everyone knows that Nancy and Johnathan have ditched. Seeing as their friends they're probably just hanging out right?" "Right, is there some point to this conversation." He sighs, closing his locker. Someone's a bit bitter.

"Yeah, I was thinking we should hang out. Totally platonically since you're in a serious committed relationship. So you can meet me at the roller rink at 8. Ok. I should go, I'm already running late." I smile before turning around to leave.

"I didn't say yes!" Steve called out. "But a sad Venus will make a very angry Billy. See you at 8, sharp!"

"You're late." Billy spoke as I got to the car. "I know, I'm so sorry." I apologize as I climbing into the car. "Can you drop me off later?" I asked as he began to pull off.

"Where?" "Roller rink. Hanging out with a friend." "Mhm." This was so unlike me but something in me has never wanted something as bad as I want Steve's attention.

"Be careful, and if you're not home by 12 I'll hunt you down." "Ok." I smile getting out of the car. "Call if you need me to come get you, Venus." "I will Billy you can go now. Thank you." "Fine, whatever. See you later."

30 minutes. I waited outside for 30 minutes. Of course he wouldn't show, why would he. All I can do is wait for Billy to come get me because i'm not gonna admit this shity night ever happened. "Hey, sorry I'm late." I was sitting outside on a bench crying when he finally decided to show up.

"Forget it I'm going home." I scoff standing up and walking past him. "Venus, hey!" "Fuck off Steve." I speak as I wipe my face going inside to find a phone.

"Venus what's up with you, yeah I'm a little bit late. I kind of figured your brother had issues but-" Steve spoke, grabbing my arm and turning me around to face him but I cut him off.

"Don't talk about my brother! You don't know us, or what we've been through. This was a stupid idea. So go ahead and go back to your bullshit life. And don't worry I didn't tell my brother I was meeting you, so your limbs will still be intact." I bite trying to pull away from him but he wouldn't let me go.

"Steve let me go."

"Just listen to me for a second. Ok? I'm sorry. This whole Nancy disappearing with Jonathan thing is really messing with my head. I was late because I was contemplating coming, part of me thought it was wrong, but the other part of me felt bad for how good being here with you would feel."

Honesty... about feelings... with someone who isn't my brother... This feels weird.

A pit of fear ate away at my stomach as my heart screamed for me to get out.

"Stay, I'll make it up to you. I promise." "I'm not 12 anymore. I don't believe in promises, I believe in actions." I laugh trying to mask my emotions. "Well then let me make it up to you. Please." He speaks, finally letting me go.

"Buy me a pretzel and I'll think about it." I sigh crossing my arms. "I'll take it." He claps as we goes over to the concession stand. He chose you Venus. Someone you're not bound to by blood chose you.

He was right, he did make it up to me. I don't remember a time I laughed this hard. Mainly due to the fact that Steve kept falling the second I let his hand go on the rink.

"Oh my gosh you totally suck." I laugh. "Ha ha ha, it's not funny." Steve scowls. "It so- ah!" I gasp as I'm knocked back onto my butt. "See now that was funny." Steve laugh as I grunted getting back up.

"We'll have fun getting off the rink without me, princess." I smile before skating away from him. "V-Venus!" Steve called out, looking over my shoulder I saw him struggle to stand up straight.

He paid attention to what I had to say. "Do you miss California?" Steve asked me as we were now parked outside of an ice cream parlor sitting on top of his car.

"All the time. No offense but it's so gloomy here in Hawkins, like something bad is bound to happen. I miss the sun and god what I'd do to smell the ocean again."

"Yeah, but it's all I've known, like California was for you. What about afterwards? When you graduate do you plan to go back?" Steve asked, taking a lick of his ice cream. "I would love to, but it's not the path in my future."

"What is then? What do you want for yourself, Venus Hargrove?" "I've known the answer to this question since I was 10. All I've wanted to do was design. I wanna go to a fashion school in New York. And hopefully one day meet my Peter Parker." I smile.

"Spider-Man? Really?" "Yes? Who's your favorite?" "Iron man." "Of course." I laugh. "What? How come?" "Because I see right through you Steve Harrington." I shake my head with a smile plastered on my lips. "And what do you see?"

"I should warn you, I don't to the whole heart to heart thing, but you asked... I see a man with a tainted heart, filled with so much ambition and drive but yet is stuck. Stuck behind fear. That once things are good something is gonna happen and take all those things from you. You hide your heart. Because when you don't it gets broken."

I can read you so well... because what I said about you also applies to me. It's like looking in a mirror. "And you got all that by sitting here with me." "You can learn a lot about a person just by spending time with them."

"But yet I still feel like I've barely scraped the surface with you." "...Like I said, I don't do the whole heart to heart. I don't have to tell you about my past for you to decide if you like my personality or not."

"Yeah but your past is what built up the now. The way you feel, react, and respond to things in the future." "It's just not one I'm willing to share. You wouldn't get it. Can you just drop it? Remembering my childhood does nothing but put me in a sour mood." "Ok, yeah... I'm sorry."

And there was something in the way he looked at me. "What?" I asked, looking over at Steve. We were laying in the park watching the stars pointing out shapes and I could feel his eyes boring into my skin. Billy, mom, and I used to do this all the time at the beach.

I saw the sky as a huge piece of glittery fabric just waiting to be designed.  "What?" He asked. "I can feel you staring at me. What is it?" "Nothing." "Whatever. Look, it's getting late... Can you take me home? Billy won't hesitate to hunt me down." I smile sitting up. "Uh, yeah. Of course."

"You can stop here I can walk the rest of the way." "You sure?" Steve asks, stopping a few houses away from mine. "Yeah. Enjoy your bullshit Harrington." I smile at him. Tonight I felt safe. Like I could open up about myself and not get hurt. But that scared me even more because he's not mine. "Wait... I had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you."

"No problem. Goodnight Harrington." "Goodnight Hargrove."

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