Chapter 1: The End

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The wind is howling like wolves in a dark night, the tall pine trees are swinging side by side. Do they know what just happened! Suddenly lightning strikes like a sword piercing through the sky. Rain has started, maybe the clouds are crying with her too ! There she is , walking towards the cliff . What is she thinking?
Nothing her brain has stopped working , she is walking like a living corpse . Again the bone chilling wind is blowing , the  rain is not helping either. It's cold but not more than her ice heart.

[Flash Scene]:
"Hi, I am Kunal, I am the manager". Said a handsome young man with a dazzling smile.
Streching her hand for a shake she said " Hello , nice to meet you".
Kunal: I heard you are from Darjeeling? That's my hometown too.
"Really wow! It's so nice to meet someone from the same hometown" . She said and smiled .
That was her first memory of him. Siting at the hotel lounge they talked about the design plan of the hotel. The refreshing smell of the rose bouquet that she received from him is still vivid in her memory...
One single warm drop of tear made way to her cheek.
The forest is dark itself but the rain is making it harder to see anything clearly.
As her feet reached the edge of the cliff she heard someone calling her name "Abhipsha stop! What are you doing? This is not who you are, this is not the decision you would make, you are not in your right mind, wake up.. the voice said before fading away.
She opened her eyes and sat right up on her bed with a thumping heart and sweaty forehead . Wiping the droplets of sweat she checks the clock kept on the bed side table. It's almost 5:30am . She turns to her left and looks at the empty space beside her before getting down .
She goes to the kitchen and makes some scrambled eggs and toast.
"Aakash , Kavya get up sweethearts, you'll be late for school". She shouts.
Abhipsha: Getup honey or else you'll be late , today is your last exam and then the winter vacation will start. She said to her 8year old son and 5year old daughter who are rolled up in their cozy blanket not wanting to get up in this cold winter morning. They are twisting and rolling their bodies lazily.
"But I want to sleep a little more". Kavya hums while rubbing her eyes .
Abhipsha smiles lovingly at her daughter then she lifts her out of the blanket into her lap.
She kissed her nose and then her cheeks then suddenly attacked her with her kisses all over her face. Kavya starts giggling "okay ,okay I am up" she said to stop her mother's kissie attack then she got out of mommy's lap to get ready for school.
Abhipsha turned towards Aakash who has now covered himself with the blanket completely. She leaned near his ear and whispered "here comes the tickle monster" while getting her hands ready to tickle her son, but he jumped right out of the bed scattering the pillows and blankets on the floor. "I am going, I am going" he said to his mom and ran off to the washroom.

After sending her children to school Abhipsha sits in front of her laptop. It has been her routine since last few months.
" I can't find anything". She says while searching for a suitable job.
Once she was a quite renowned interior designer but she can't find any job right now. It has been almost 5years she left her work to take care of her children properly. As she scrolls through her computer vainly for hours , she gets frustrated and throws herself on the beige upholstered sofa . She buries her face in the velvety soft cushion and her mind drifts to an old memory.
Their new house is getting built. Abhipsha is very busy and excited to do the interiors by herself. She is standing in the middle of the newly built room with a shade card in her hand evaluating it.
Abhipsha: which shade should I pick Smoke Grey or Blue chase? She asked her husband with a furrowed brow.
Kunal: whichever you like . He said with a sunny smile  while standing behind her and holding her shoulder with both hands.
The smile which made her fall for him and makes her heart flutter even to this day.
Kunal:You are not tired,are you? He said while caressing her tiny belly bump that is barely noticeable through her flaxen floral printed maxi dress.
Baby you should stop working , you have helped me start our Hotel business and supported me leaving behind everything. Now it is time for you to rest and enjoy the fruits of your hardwork. Now it's my turn I couldn't take care of you properly when Aakash was to be born but this time things are different. Please don't say no. Abhipsha replied with a smile.

[Back to present]

"Aargh! What was I thinking . How can I be so stupid. She asked herself.
I should call mom " she said and picked her phone but yet again the past memory came to her mind.

[Telephonic Conversation]
Mom : I am sure you did something wrong, Kunal can never do anything like this.
Abhipsha: Maa how can you...
Mom:  Abby please try to adjust. It happens he is a man after all. Think about your children.
That was the last time she talked to her mother three years ago.

[Back to present]
No this will not do, she thinks I have to divert my mind .
She takes her cell phone and scroll through the social media. She was looking at some random videos but then she paused to see a song video. The tune of the song soothed her like a pacifier to a crying child. The video had only sound with a black screen and nothing visible seems like it has been taken without the knowledge of the singer. She closed her eyes and soothed her soul. Her song meditation gets disrupted by the sound of a notification on her phone which indicates she has received a text message. She opens her eyes to check her phone
        ' Abby I am here in Darjeeling
          Come meet me '

She checks the number with a wide smile and jumps up in excitement. Immediately she gets ready . She knows exactly where to go even without telling. Because this was their go to place.  Her feet took her through the bustling market on Nehru Road that leads to Chowrasta Mall .She opened the door of the 100 year old building of their favourite cafe. She climbed the narrow wooden stairs for the upper floor, with wooden flooring, glass top tables, plaid table cloths and cane chairs with cushion the ambience is relaxing as usual. As she walked past the window side table on the right, she could see the marvelous mountain range and the scenic beauty. She walked to the open terrace where under the giant green umbrella at the corner table is the person whom she came to meet ,sitting on a wrought iron chair surrounded by the low green walls with red stoned flooring and Victorian lamps on the pillars.
"Cherry" she chirped cheerfully
Chitrangada Roy a.k.a Cherry is Abhipsha a.k.a Abby's diaper buddy , her crony.
As soon as their eyes met they ran towards each other and hugged. It has been nine years Cherry went abroad to pursue her carrier and this is the first time she came for a visit.
They broke the hug with teary eyes . They looked at each other affectionately and said "how are you?" In chorus followed by giggles.

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