Late Night Talking (Azriel x Reader)

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Summary// After a terrifying nightmare that had you gasping for breath, you find solace in someone who you didn't expect.

(I had a nightmare last night and even though I was terrified it had this idea popping into my head. Enjoy this pure fluff :))

WARNINGS: Nightmares, dying (in dream), mentions of blood, violence, some mental health issues

You couldn't run fast enough, the ground seeming to fall out underneath your feet as Amarantha cackled behind you. Somehow you had been dragged back under the mountain without your knowledge. The other fae cheered at your terror as the wicked woman closed in on you, grabbing your ankle to flip you over to look up at her.

The Attor flew above her and cast a shadow across both of your figures. You looked for Rhysand, your dearest friend, but he was nowhere to be found. She bared her teeth as you pressed yourself further into the wall. You were alone.

"Are you going to cry, girl?" She taunted, pouting out her bottom lip in mockery. Despite your best efforts, you couldn't stop the tears from forming in your eyes.

Amarantha laughed loudly again, pointing out to the crowd the tears soaking your cheeks which only made them grow louder. The Attor flew closer and landed behind her, giving her the appearance of wings.

Azriel flashed across your mind. The smile he seemed to only reserve for you, the passing glances, the way he comforted you after you had escaped the Court of Nightmares. You would never see him again, never see anyone again, and you knew he would want you to go out fighting.

With a stealthy quickness, you swept Amarantha's feet out from under her and leaped onto her body to strangle her. You had your hands wrapped around her throat when the Attor sunk its giant claws into your shoulders and lifted you into the air.

You struggled and thrashed, only making the wounds worse, until you were dropped from fifty feet in the air. The breath was knocked out of you while blood poured out of your head, your vision flickering as Amarantha brushed herself off and straddled your dying body.

She grinned maliciously while pulling out a dagger. It was black as night with silver writing on the side...and looked so familiar. After noticing your stare she twirled it in her fingers before positioning it over your throat. You didn't have the strength to push it away.

"Do you like it?" Amarantha cooed into your ear, brushing away the stray hairs. "I got it from one of the Illyrians I just captured. He seemed fond of you, demanding to know where you were."

Truth Teller. She had, no, she stole Truth Teller. If she had that that means she had its owner.

"A-Azriel." You coughed, blood coming out of the corner of your mouth.

Amarantha smirked, pressing the blade tighter to your throat. "Don't worry...I'll take good care of him."

The last thing you felt was the knife slicing your skin as you screamed.

You woke up with a jolt, hand to your throat while gasping for breath. The room was blacked out and you ran to the window to throw open the curtain. It was snowing outside but you didn't care, opening the window as wide as you could to breathe in the fresh air.

It was dark outside, the trees mere shadows in the distance as snowflakes drifted into your room. You welcomed the cold as it melted onto your skin, grounding you in reality as you continued to focus on your breathing.

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