Chapter 11

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Killa's POV

So my beautiful morning started with a nice stretch then I went to the restroom and did my hygiene thing , 30 minutes in the shower and then A closet session full of "which one goes best " ! After that I went downstairs and made me and my man breakfast . My breakfast wasn't much but a granola bar and a water because I was going for a run and didn't want to cramp up. I brought it up to him . We said grace and he dug in.

Then he reached over and pecked my lips

"Thank you baby"

"Awww your welcome bae."

"So wat u finna go do?"

"Go for a morning run you coming"

" oh that's why you didn't make a meal u jus ate a granola bar."

"Yea idiot" I said in a duh tone and laughed and he looked at  me sideways with a mug on his perfectly sculpted face.

" But Nah I think Im gonna stay here and get ready but after that little run we gonna have a talk ight"

"Ok that's fine baee. Well uh I'm out love you see you Inna lil bit gimme kiss" I reached over and hovered over him

We share a long passionate kiss as he mumbles In between breathes

"You. would .wanna .get . to .that .run!"

I pull back and giggled "Ightt love you freak"

"I love you too baby"

I leave and hit the track knowing these pounds won't be here for long .

Prince POV

I woke up to music booming through MY beats pill. All I heard was ...

Is it bad that I Neva made love no I Neva did it but I sure know how to fuck ,I'll be yo bad girl , I'll give it to you, I can't promise that I'd be good to you, cause I've had some issues , I won't admit it no not havin it but at least I can admit that I'll be bad to you , yea I'll be good In bed but I'll be bad to you.......

I walk in the bathroom to see Brit swaying her hips and singing in her sexy ass New Orleans accent, it only comes out when she yells or sings and some time when she moans that's why they sound so sweet when they fill my ears!

Me being me I walk up behind her and hum the song as she sings it and rock side to side with me caressing her stomach as the song played. This was such a morning ,something I'd like to wake up to for the rest of my life if yall don't mind!

"Bae let me go" she giggled and tried to wiggle from my grip which made me smile .

"No Bae keep singing please I love your accent"

"I ain't even got an accent " she clearly said in her accent and looked at me as if I was lying . I turned to her and mugged her.

"Yes you do u Never heard yo self sing or moan " I winked, She giggles

"Nope I haven't "

"Well you should but I'm gonna go get Inna shower wanna come?"

"Yes baby I would love to , as long as you promise to caress my stomach like you do" she said with a look that would make an evil man say yes.

"Of course anything for my babies "

Sooner than usual our shower ended and we had to rush to the trap. Well technically I had to but k.o being herself she jus had to tag along !The reason  we had to leave was because my dude trey called and told me someone was playing with my money and everybody knows that shit ain't cool.
So when I show up I call every single one of my workers into the big room and line them up ! When trey tells me all the info I get to breaking them muhfuckas down yelling pistol whipping and all.

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