Chapter 4

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Ronnie's POV

after we came from the gym we ate some McDonald's.

Ron..let me have some

Brit..fine fatty!

Ron..really I'm the fat one......if anything u the fat one I said playfully as she fed me a fry

Brit..I hate u so much giggling

Ron.. I love u too bae

              """"""at home""""""


Brit..GET OFFFF. NOWWW laughing hard

Ron..nope tap out

Brit...nuhh uhh. I ain't gone do its! laughing even harder

Ron..u betta do it.

Brit..I couldn't help but give in he was killin me...... fine

Ron..haaaa haaaa I told u dat u was gone loose.niggaaaaaa dancing

ayeeee ......"nae nae. aughhhhhh hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up. aughhhhh"

Brit..OH HELL NAWH.dis nigga doing the nae nae without me. starts doing the nae nae

Ron..."ooooo kill em. nae nae nae nae aughhhhhh"

Brit..stops dancing I killed u nigga

Ron..yup u did. see what had happened was I was. .....

Brit..yea yea what eva I won.

Ron..don't get happy. phone rings

                 phone convo

Brittany (Betta Half Brit)

Whitney (Her Twin Whit)

Betta half brit..wassup

Her twin whit..nun.momma gone and I'm bored.come get me please

Betta half brit..Kk u can actually leave on what u have on just bring some jammies

Her twin whit..Kk can I bring a tag along

Betta half brit..yea

Her twin whit..thx

Betta half brit.. be ready in 10

Her twin whit..Kk peace

                end of convo

Ron..who was dat bae sis she wanna come over with her friend or sumn

Ron..okay cool we gotta go get them Brit..yea come on

                     in the car

Whit..thx I was so--gco-- jawan

Jawan..I ain't know dat u knew Whitney

Ron..I ain't know u knew Whitney

Jawan..small world huh

Whit..ur tellin me

Brit..come on ronnie I'm sleepy

               back @ the house

Jawan's POV

I had no.clue that ronnie New Whitney. that's hella crazy. but at least we all get to chill and stuff like that. ....

Jawan is ronnie brother he had no clue ronnie and Whitney knew eachother but he was hella happy tho brothers dating sisters. ....seems good to him



Whit..come here

Jay..okay walking to her wassup bae

Whit..mumbling in b/w kisses

Jay..also in b/w kisses

climbs into bed and they fall quickly asleep

Brittany's POV

I was in the bed and in came ronnie  jumping on me and kissing my neck as I giggled. it was so hard to resist with his lips locked on my collar bone soon after he noticed I wanted him he began to ask.....

Ron..does it tickle

Brit..yea it does giggling

Ron..u like it moves to her lips

ronnie moves to my lips and I bite his bottom lip softy asking 4 entrance. he let's me enter and instantly the kiss became deeper.I moaned in his mouth as he began to take off our clothes .me squirming under him I help him pull off my bra and then his boxers without breaking the kiss. the kiss continues and I feel his hands on my thigh. he places my legs apart and slowly he  enters me as I let out a loud scream.for the longest of hours he thrusts harder and harder as our bodies that were dripping with sweat rub against each others .moans and groans fill the room. the mirror fogging ,the sheets all over the place .during the last round we finally tired our selves out. and I fell asleep in his arms.I don't know what it was about him but I have very deep feelings for him.

      skipping three weeks ahead

it's still Brittany' s POV

the pass two weeks has been hectic. I don't know what it is but my body hurts and I throw up constantly. today I decided to try everything possible to see wats wrong with me and Whitney are at the doctor. what do u think it is

Brit..I really don't know

Whit..was it a bad cold, or something u ate.

in comes doctor Brown

Dr.B..well Brittany I have ur results and it turns out ur pregnant.

Brit.. I'm wat?

Dr.B..ur pregnant, aren't u happy

Britt..of course I am I'm just shocked.this is great

Whitney..OMG Brit I'm gonna be an auntie I've waited for this moment for ever hugging her tightly

after the doctor and Brittany finish up there conversation and the girls  leave to go to the grocery store and pick up a lot of healthy snacks and food that keeps pregnant ppl full ( I doubt that's even real )and. then they make it to the house .

Ronnie's POV

I get a text from Brittany telling me to come help with bags so I do as told and I also help her unpack them. was ur day bae was great and I figured out why I wasn't feeling well that moment I pick up a box of something that says good eating habit for pregnant people ( totally made up)  I look back at Brittany and I hear the words IM PREGNANT

Brit..he has a blank expression on his face and then a slick smile creeps up. bae say something??


Brit.. ronnie u gotta put me down ur  shaking the baby laughing

Ron..I'm sorry bae I'm just so happy are u going to tell it parents. better yet how am I gonna tell my momma.?????

Ron..I don't know. but we're going to and I bet they'll be as happy as I am.or maybe even more me I highly doubt anyone can be happier than u

Ron.. I know rite


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