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Author's Note: So I am extremely bored so I thought I would update today. Thankyou to everyone that has read this its so lovely of you . Hope you enjoying reading this. Enjoy 😊

Sydney's POV

I have been in Australia a year now, it was really hard at first I missed my friends and even though I shouldn't of I missed Nathan too. I am now settled and finally life feels normal no drama, no tears and no having to be scared. Of course I text/skyped everyone everyday, all the boys are doing great in their solo careers Max even got to be in glee I was so proud. Lola and Jay are still together although I was shocked to find out she's pregnant. I even occasionally speak to Nathan it took me a couple of months to even ask about him but I began to realise it wasn't his fault as such and he was looking out for me, however none of them know about my boyfriend Nate, I didn't want anyone to know as they would tell Nathan and I couldn't deal with the drama from it.

Nate is pretty much perfect (based it on Nate from gossip girl) he knows how to treat me right.

"How is my beautiful girl?" Nate said in his thick strong Australian accent, I give him a hug as he walks through the door.

"What's behind your back?" I say wiggling my eyebrows at him as he has his hand behind his back.

"Well you keep saying how much you miss your friends back in England, so I thought maybe you would want these" I take the envelope to see two tickets to England next week.

"NATE, you are the best I love you" I say jumping on him as he picks me up

"Anything for my princess I love you more" He says kissing the top of my head. He then walks into the kitchen to talk to my brother, that's another thing that's great is he gets on with my mum and brother so well.I decided I would skype Jay, but wait I'm going to have to tell them about Nate, what if they get mad that I didn't tell them I mean me and Jay tell each over everything.

I click the video button as Jay pops on the screen grinning like an idiot.

"Sydney ! Hows Sydney?" He made this joke every single time I spoke to him, I rolled my eyes and giggled.

"It's great, hows Nottingham? And how is Lola?" I hadn't spoke to him in a couple of days which was a long time for me.

"great and getting better she looks like she is ready to burst" He laughs

"Erm Jay can I tell you something ? You have to promise me you won't tell anyone yet ?" I say moving the laptop onto my stomach as I lay down.

"Of course" he says gesturing his hands to go ahead

"Don't get mad, actually wait I'm going to call Lola and Callum I guess they may as well know now" I say calling them both

"Sydney hey, oh my gosh Jay hey miss you baby" Lola says blowing kisses at the screen

" I will be there tomorrow can't wait miss you too anyway Sydney has something to tell us."

"SYDNEY" Callum screams down the line

"Hey Cals and Oh my gosh Lola you do look like you are ready to burst"

"Anyways I wanted you three to know first and of course I would have told the rest of the guys at the same time but I know they will be busy so I will text them, erm right well when I first came here my brother became good friends with this guy from work and after a month we became friends too and well he's my boyfriend now" I say awkwardly

"What's his name, how long and is he fit?" Callum asked

"Nate,ten months and yes very fit" I giggle

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