Chapter 2

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I was sleeping peacefully until i heared a knock on my door.

Damm it ruined my good sleep.

I got up and walked towards my door and opened it to see,Student council president along with ORC president.

And two of them were trying to look away from me,But why?

Then i felt cold wind blowing and realise i wasn't wearing any shirt,Only shorts.

"Do you want anything"I asked and Sona said"Can we talk inside"

"Yeah sure"I said as two of them came in my apartment

My apartment is not that big,I will ask boss-kun to get me better one.

I took two of them to couch and i sat and asked"What do you wanna say"

"I wanted to ask,Do you know about supernaturals"Rias said

"Supernaturals?Yes i know about that"I simply said

"Do you know who we are?"Rias asked

"You two are devils right?,Anything else"I asked

"No but i want you to join my peerage"Rias said and Sona added"I too want you to join my peerage"

"Why me?I don't even have a sacred gear"I said and rias said"But you have high magic power"

"So choice is yours,Rias or Me"Sona said in serious tone

"I choose the third one,I am not joining either of you,I am better on my own"I said seriously

"We can give anything you desire,If you reached high class you can have your own peerage And servent and they will do anything you say"Rias said

"I am against Slavery"Was my simple response

"Now you two can take your leave,I don't want to be rude but i will prefer if you devils can leave the human world as soon as possible or else i will have to do it myself"I said in serious tone as two of them flinched few times

"And you think you can take us,Devils on by yourself"Rias said with arrogance

"Ofcourse i can,Do you really think of yourself as a big deal believe i will never even keep someone as weak as you to be even as my maid"I said mockingly

"We will see that,How about we decided it by a fight"Rias offered

"What if i win"I asked

"Nothing do you want anything,But if you loose you will have to join my peerage"Rias said

"Yes ofcourse i want something,I will tell you later"I said,I then turned to sona"You two will fight me along with red monkey,I will show you both your place,Which is in my foot"

"Getting cocky are we,Do you think you can actually beat two highclass devil and their peerage at once"Sona said fixing her glasses

"Beat you?I will destroy you"Was my response while laughing"Now call me whenever you want to fight i will be ready"

"Tomorrow night at acedemy,I will make a replica of it for us to fight"Rias said as i nodded"See you there then,Red monkey"

I said as i dragged two of them out of my house.

Such a drag.

Now i have to fight.

Should i just beat them all at once by reversal red.

Or should i humilate them first then beat them.

I think i will go with second one and Boss-kun did said to beat the crap out of boob lover.

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