Chapter VII

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I'm sorry for the long wait, I've had a shitload of school work the last weeks. Also, I really don't like this chapter (like at all) but I wanted to give you something so yeah, the new ones are gonna be better I promise :)


As soon as he stepped through the door to his room, he closes it right behind him and lets out a long sigh. With closed eyes Louis asks himself how on earth it's possible, to be as obsessed with a bloody singer you've never even seen live? Chuckling to himself he throws his laptop onto his bed and walks further into the room. The young man sits down on his bed next to his laptop eyeing his room. "Damn it's already so messy!" he sighs as his eyes go over clothes books and writing supplies all shattered across his room. He's never been one of those people who always keep everything tidy so it comes naturally that when he is to unpack his baggage, he literally just practically throws it all over the room, not really caring where his belongings end up.

"God where did I put my book?" he growls loudly as he rummages through the chaos on the bed and floor. Louis continues searching for it as he bends over the other side of the bed looking under pillows the duvet, just everywhere basically. Just as he stands up straight again he bumps his head at the hanging shelf above the bed and lets himself fall onto the bed, dramatically. "Fuck!" he screams and pulls the blanket over his face, hiding beneath it. "Louis honey?" he hears the faint voice of his mother. Louis just groans frustrated and doesn't move one bit. "Are you alright sweetheart?" Jay asks again now much closer. Her son sighs yet still doesn't move. Careful Jay lifts the duvet off of his face and smiles down on her son. "Babe, what's going on?" she asks chuckling as she tries to soothe out his hair which goes in all directions, unsuccessful. "I just wanted to work a bit on my preparations for next semester's work and stuff, but I can't find my stuff anywhere!" he complains but his mother just starts laughing.

"Mum, it's not funny!" Louis states but Jay just shakes her head and gets up again. Not saying anything she walks around the twin bed to the other side of it and bends down to come face to face with the shelf. "Well look at this!" she smirks as she gets back up holding 'The Great Gatsby' in her hand. "What- how did you know it was there?" Louis asks perplex. "Well sweetheart, if you're looking for things, maybe you should start to check the places where the things belong to first, before you search through the whole chaos." Louis just rolls his eyes but takes the book out of his mum's hand. "Thanks mum!" he smiles before falling back on thee bed. "Now get to work babe, I'll call you when we eat lunch" Jay adds and leaves the room, not before winking and sticking out her tongue at her son. "Oh, you did not!" Louis adds, playfully putting a hand over his chest offended.

After the door is closed again Louis sits up in his bed and starts his laptop before getting to work. In school he's never been a fan of English so he sees it as his job, to create lessons in a way, that everybody has fun completing his exercises. Of course there are some aspects he can't change, as the book which is given. Still, Louis always tries to make his lessons fun and easy to pass for the sake of everyone.

"Hey Fiz can you come briefly?" he calls. Considering Fizzy in the grade Louis teaches he often asks her to read the assignments to see if they are working of that age.

"Hey there, what's up?" she asks as soon as she enters the room and throws herself onto his bed placing her head on her brother's belly. "Here, I've been working on this exercise do you mind reading it so I know whether that works?" he asks and Fizzy nods and reads the assignment on the screen.

"Damn Lou this is nice!" she replies after reading what her big brother has written. "Thanks Fiz, do you think it's enough for an hour?" Louis asks but his sister just nods. "Yeah totally, I mean you have to keep in mind that they are a bunch of 16 years old..." she argues causing her brother to crack up.
"True again..." he admits and pulls his sister close. Felicity enjoys the feeling of finally getting to be able to cuddle her big brother and snuggles deeper into his chest.

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