1. Stay

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"Chris, you know, there's something I wanted to ask you"

Slowly, I turn around and see Street standing in the door frame. His hair is totally messed-up from sleep and a little smile appears on my lips. He's so cute.

"A good morning to you, too", I respond, finishing to spread jam on my toast.

At that sight, Street's eyes widen in pure shock. "When I heard you in the kitchen, I thought you were making pancakes or something!", he says resentful.

I shoot him with a gaze. "Well, toast is all there is. Why would you think I'll get up extra early before shift to make you pancakes??"

He comes towards me, hugging me from behind. "Because you love me?", he asks innocently and gives me a super-cute look. I laugh and hand him over the glass of jam.

"At least I remember you love raspberry jam and bought you some, right?"

"That almost makes up for the pancake", Street decides, and together we sit down at the kitchen table. Watching him eating his breakfast gives me a funny feeling in my stomach, a little bit exciting, but mainly warm and golden like the morning sun shining in. I love it that we eat breakfast together, I love it that I can wake up next to him. I mean, it's not like it's like this every day since we're not living together, but I love how he sleeps over once in a while. And we don't even have to get to work seperately, trying to hide our relationship, no. We can walk through that door together. The thought makes me smile.

Still, I'm a little afraid of the reactions. They have been positive, mostly, but how do I know if they say stuff behind my back?

"So, er", Street says, clearing his throat. I suddenly remember the first thing he said today, instead of wishing me a good morning.

"Oh, yes, you wanted to ask me something?", I say, taking a bite off my toast. We still have a couple of minutes until we have to take off.

"Yes", Street answers. His face is surprisingly serious, which makes me wonder if something is wrong. "You know, I ... I loved waking up next to your today?"

I smile. "Yeah, me too."

"So, I wondered ... I mean, I know it's a little early and we've only been together for five weeks, but ... look, we're both in our thirties already. And we've lost so much time because we didn't wanna break any rules, and now, I feel like ..."

I feel like my smile has been wiped off. "Get to the point."

"I want us to move in together."

I take a deep, deep breath, closing my eyes and trying not to freak out. "Look, Street ..."

"No, no, you look, Chris: I'm done moving slow."

"But I'm not! Try and understand me, Street, please. It's just ... that comes a little bit out of nowhere, okay?"

"Out of nowhere? I've been basically living at your place the last month!"

He jumps up, so I do, too. "No! No, Street, look, I'm sorry, but I'm just not ... Give me some time. I can't get comitted as fast as you do."

"Oh, so this is a problem with me now."

"Oh my god, please, just try to understand."

"What? What is there to understand? I don't get you, Chris. You didn't want us to be together when it was against the rules, okay. But now? What's your problem now? Just, just talk to me ... wait, Chris, don't go."

I feel so bad, but I can't help it. Leaving him in the kitchen, I grab my coat and bagpack and walk out the door. There I hold on for a second, breathing the fresh autumn air.

So we've been only together for five weeks and we're already fighting. Great.

Didn't I think I was done with running away? Well, obviously I'm not.

How do I fix this?


Heyy here it is :) Welcome back! And sorry it took me so long! But first, thanks for giving this sequel to "You ready for that beer" a chance 😊.

In this first chapter, I kinda tried a new thing, adding a song to it instead of a S.W.A.T. photo. It was just that for some scenes, I had specific songs in mind and I thought, why not share them? Tell me if this doesn't bother you at all, then I'll stop it 😅.

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