❤︎︎❥ఌꨄ𖣘the vanishing of Will Byers☺︎︎☼⍟߷༄ ꧁❤︎︎❣︎❦chapter(002)❦❣︎❤︎︎꧂
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Mira was woken up by Steve, "Mira, it's time to wake up or else you're going to be late come on!" Said Steve repeatedly hitting her with a pillow her shoulder "I'm up, Im up oh my god stop!" Mira shrieked letting out a laugh almost falling down her bed from how tired she was , "come on get up I'll make breakfast just go get ready." Steve said rushing her. "Ok,ok" Mira walked to her bathroom rubbing her eyes, while Steve went to make breakfast.
Mira was in her bathroom brushing her teeth, spitting out the toothpastein her mouth she looked in the mirror wondering what to do with her hair, she ended up going simple deciding to do a basic half up half down look. Once she was done her hair she opened up her closet and stared at all the clothes, she didn't know what to wear so after 10 minutes of overthinking her outfit choices she finally landed on wearing a baggy t shirt Mike gave her and baggy jeans and wore her white converses which were now not so white from a lot of mud.
Mira ran downstairs to see Steve sitting at the table eating waffles with orange juice on the side next to it was a plate with the same thing, "thanks Steve" Mari said smiling at Steve "no problem you better leave soon your friends are gonna be here soon" Steve looked at the girl and handed her Syrup and the girl gladly took it. After she was done eating she stood up and skipped to the door yelling bye to Steve.
She went outside to see Mike, Mike would always go to Mira's house and they would bike to school together and halfway to school Dustin and Lucas would join them it's been like that ever since Mira got her bike. "Good morning Mira!" Mike said with a big grin on his face "Morning Mike!" Mira replied back giggling finding it funny how much energy he had in the morning. The rest of the ride was like usual the duo talking about random things, laughing there heads off to the most simplest things ever and just having fun, after a while they met up with Dustin and Lucas and they all talked about random things until Mike brought something up "Oh yeah my mom got a call from Wills mom today she asked if Will stayed the night, do you think he's ok?" Asked Mike making Mira worried for one of her closest friends "He probably just left early to school" Lucas said brushing it off but Mira still seemed worried a bad feeling settling in her chest, Mike noticed and gave her a smile reaching over to grab a hand and giving it a light squeeze making both of them blush.
The kids were at school but Will was no where to be seen making the girl more concerned then before, Mike held her hand comforting her, they ended up having another conversation about Will wondering where he was "do you think he's ok?" Mike said sounding worried hoping his best friend was okay. "He probably just left early to school it's fine" Lucas said giving some hope to his friends. "I wonder where he is" Mira said sounding anxious she was hoping that her friend was ok."I'm telling you his moms right he's probably just in class early again" "yeah he's always paranoid Gurskys going to give him another pop quiz"agreed Dustin."I mean I don't blame him." Suddenly Troy appeared in front of them "Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, step right up and get your tickets for the freak show!" Mira signed and put up the middle finger "Fuck off Troy" "Shut up, why are you hanging out with these losers anyway you should start hanging out with real men" said Troy winking at her making the boys glare at him and Mike pushing her away from him "Who do you think would make more money at a freak show? Frogface,Midnight, or Toothless ?" The only reason Troy didn't insult Mira was because he had a crush on her, a very obvious one. "I'd go with Toothless"James mocked Dustin "My teeth are coming in, I told you a million times it's called cleidocranial dysplasia."Dustin said pissed, only leading to James mocking his lisp once again. "Do the arm thing" said Troy but Dustin just stood there trying to stand up for himself "do it freak" Troy repeated angrier, Dustin hesitated but he did it leading to Troy and James get shivers down their spine (which Dustin does not have) they left and Lucas and Mira muttered swears."I think it's cool, it's like a superpower or something like Mr. fantastic."Mike said trying to comfort his friend "yeah except I can't fight evil with it" replied Dustin.
The bell rings and all the kids run out of class happy to leave except for Mira and her best friends . "Remember finish chapter twelve and answer twelve point three on the difference between an experiment and other forms of science investigation" Mr.Clark turns around but stops once he sees almost everyone has left. "Did it come?!" Mike said "Sorry guys hate to be the bearer of bad news but,,, it came!"Mr Clark smiled making all of them cheer. Mira wasn't as interested in these types of things like her friends but it was nice seeing her friends so happy, if only Will was here to experience it with them.
The door for the a.v. club bursts open with all the kids running inside Mira and Mike making jokes and laughing at the front.The HealthKit ham shack, ain't she a beaut?" Mr Clark said. I bet you can talk to New York in this thing!"Lucas excitedly said. "Think bigger." "California?" Lucas asked "Florida?"Mike tried "bigger" "Australia"Mira guessed leading to Mr Clark nodding, Mira wasn't that interested in these subjects but she was pretty good at them. "oh man when Will sees this he's going to lose his shit!" Lucas said "Lucas!"mr Clark scolded "sorry" Lucas replies embarrassed, glaring at his friends giggling and mimicking him. "Hello this is Mike wheeler president of the Hawkins middle a.v, club"Mike said in a terrible British accent making Mira cringe and let out a little giggle and making him look at her with a grin. Dustin takes it out of his hands determined to get an answer "Hello this is Dustin Henderson, secretary and treasurer of Hawkins middle a.v.club do you eat kangaroos for breakfast?" Dustin asked making everyone laugh. "Dustin they don't eat kangaroos for breakfast you idiot!" Mira teased making Dustin shrug with a cute grin on his face. A knock was heard making all the kids stop and look at the door, the door opens revealing a man "Sorry to interrupt but may I borrow Mike,Mira,Lucas and Dustin?"he said making them turn to each other confused and worried.
Hello guys second chapter!hope you guys enjoyed it next chapter will be out soon!<3