❤︎︎❥ఌꨄ𖣘the vanishing of Will Byers☺︎︎☼⍟߷༄ ꧁❤︎︎❣︎❦chapter(001)❦❣︎❤︎︎꧂
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Mirari was in the car, driving the car was her brother Steve Harrington, her window was opened letting the autumn breeze in. Her and her brother were blasting music having the time of their lives, people would usually use the word jerk to describe Steve but when he was with his sister it was a whole different story. "Ok Mira we're here have a good time be back before 11 ok?" "Ok bye!" Replied Mira. She jumped out of the car and waved at her brother walking into the house opening the unlocked door that the boys unlocked knowing she would be there soon
"Hi Miss Wheeler!" Mira said giving her a warm smile, if there was one thing that Mira was good at it was making parents like her I guess she just had a certain charm that parents saw as positive. "Hello Mira you look great!the boys are downstairs mind bringing these cookies downstairs for them?" "Of course thank you!" Replied Mira, she took the plate of cookies and skipped downstairs careful not to drop the plate.
Mirari went behind Mike making sure he couldn't hear her and covered his eyes "Who do you think it is?" Asked Mirari in the worst British accent you've ever heard. "I don't know Nancy?" Mike went along with the joke. "Correct!" Mira giggled and gave all the boys a hug, Mike pulled out a chair next to him and patted on the chair signaling her to sit down. "Oh yea! Your mom told me to bring these cookies down they smell so good!" Mira exclaimed excited to eat the cookies. Mike looked at her and smiled finding it adorable how excited she was for a cookie, Lucas and Dustin caught him smiling at Mira and shared a smirk. They both knew they both had a crush on each other they just needed them to confess. ꧁𖣔꧂
Mira got bored and was reading her magazine until the boys started yelling, she got startled and almost fell off her chair with Mike steadying her "BOOM!" Shouted Mike making all of the kids jump in their seats, Mike lowers his voice "That came from something else, THE DEMOGORGEN!" He slams the figure into the table making the table shake. A serious amount of groans come from the boys. "We're in deep shit!" Dustin sighs throwing his arms up in the air. "Will your action!" Mike looks at Will with a hard stare. "I don't know!"Will exclaims not knowing if ur should risk it "Fireball him!" Yells Lucas trying his hardest to convince Will by yelling it over and over again, "I'd have to roll a thirteen or higher!"Will replies not wanting to take that big of a risk "Cast protection!" Dustin says wanting to survive then risking their lives, the boys started arguing and Will didn't know what to do so he turned to Mira "What do you think?" "I don't know I'm not as smart as you guys in this!" Mira said still kind of confused on what was going on, although she had been friends with them for a long time she was never interested in dnd after a lot of bickering Will decided to Fireball the Demogorgen "FIREBALL!" Yelled Will, the dice fell off the table making all the boys jump up and start searching, determined to find out whether they won or not. When they were searching Mike went upstairs begging his mom to give them more time to finish the campaigne. "oh I got it!" Yelled Will, Lucas and Dustin run up to him and surround him trying to see what it was "Does a 7 count?" Asked Will "You got a 7?" Lucas replied and Will nods "Did Mike see it? No? Then It doesn't count." Replies Lucas grabbing his coat and getting ready to leave.
Once everyone's ready they head up the stairs when Dustin calls for them "Does anybody want this pizza?" With all of them replying no he goes upstairs asking Mikes sister and Mira's Brothers Girlfriend, Nancy. Nancy was a nice girl the boys could disagree but she was always nice to Mira probably because they were both girls and she saw Mira as a sister and being her brothers girlfriend they would have to get along. They were standing outside on Mikes porch when Dustin comes storming out eating the piece of pizza he offered Nancy. "There's something wrong with your sister!" He exclaimed clearly pissed "what do you mean?" Mike looks confused not knowing what he was talking about "She's got a stick up her ass." replied Dustin getting on his bike. "Yeah it's because she's dating that douchebag Harrington." "Hey!" Mira said looking at Lucas playfully offended "He's actually very nice and so is Nancy they just don't like you guys cause you guys are annoying!" She said giggling "Steve's nice to you because you're his sister and Nancy's nice to you because... well I don't know she just likes you!" Says Dustin. "She used to be cool." Dustin said annoyed "Like that time she dressed up as an elf for our elder tree campaign." Dustin says starting to bike off, "4 years ago!" Mike yells shocked. Lucas leaves with Dustin leaving Will and Mira with Mike so Will decides to tell Mike that the dice was a 7 and bikes off after giving a hug to Mira. "Welp night Mike see you tomorrow!" Mira says "Night Mira see you tomorrow!" Mike replies, he gives her a hug a blush creeping upon his cheeks and waves to her when she bikes off catching up with the other boys.
Mira walks into her house, it was silent like usual but she could hear some noises coming from Steve's bedroom, Mira walks upstairs deciding whether or not she should open his door but ends up going to her room to tired to say goodnight. ❤︎︎❤︎︎❤︎︎
Hi guys first actual chapter, hope you guys enjoyed it if you guys have any tips pls tell me!<3