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It was the first day of the Third Semester and Mayra wasn't very excited about this. With a sulking face, she got down from her car and looked at her college campus, nothing has changed really except for her life which took a drastic change in the past one month of the second-semester break.

With a sigh, she walked into her class and on her way, she greeted her friends who waved back at her excitedly. Being the popular girl at the college had its own merits and demerits, right now she wanted to look into the bright side of it. So, she waved back at them and took her usual seat on the first bench.

Soon enough, everyone started coming in and the bell has rung already. Her bench mates were talking about all the things which they've done in the one-month break and she did not have anything to say to them so she kept quiet throughout the time, more like she did not wish to tell what happened in the break.

The murmurs and whispers increased as the popular hot guy of their year stepped into the classroom with his killer attitude, he passed everyone his charming smile and goes to sit on the last bench where his gang was eagerly waiting for him.

Mayra rolled her eyes as her friends swooned over him. She did not understand what was so special about this guy that all the girls in the college go gaga over him. He was just another handsome boy after all. At least for her, he was.

"Good morning, ma'am." the whole class greeted their professor in the chorus as Mrs Sweta, who taught them English entered their classroom.

"Good morning, class. Please sit down." the professor was unusually very chirpy and happy today.

"So, let's not waste any time. We have got very little time for this Sem, open your textbooks and come to the page number. 368."

The students opened their textbooks grumpily, they weren't excited to study on the very first period of their first day at the college. But they didn't exactly have a choice, so they pretend to be concentrating while half the class was dreaming with their eyes open.

And the last bench students weren't subtle about their daydreams, a very furious Mrs Sweta looked at them angrily.

"Fawad Hussein! Out of my class, NOW." barked the professor.

Mayra felt so happy seeing someone scold that stupid boy, she looked at him with a smirk as he walked out of the classroom. But she did not like the fact that he was happy to be kicked out. He was rather glad, glad to be out of there.

Mayra groaned inwardly as she watched him wink at her and almost everyone gasped in shock, except for the professor who was in her own bubble. She ignored the eyes of everyone that was on her.

The two hours of English torture came to an end making everyone sigh, the professor left the classroom whilst muttering something like kids these days.

"Oh my god, did you see? Fawad freaking Hussein winked at her." came the envious voice of one girl from behind.

"She must be his new fling of the month, damn! I'm so jealous." came another voice.

"I thought Muslim girls don't date?"

Mayra was done with that nonsense, unable to hear anything further she goes out of the classroom in frustration. And the murmurs kept following her. She felt at peace when no one spoke anything about her and heaved a sigh of relief.

"You okay?" came the familiar voice of a guy, hearing which she beamed at him.


"What am I hearing? That you and that stupid Fawad are a thing now?" Saad joked, making her glare at him.

"Ugh, not again. I don't want to talk about it." Mayra said angrily and Saad raised his hands in the air, indicating he won't talk about that anymore.

"So, how were your holidays?" Saad asked casually as they both walked towards their canteen.

"It was okay." She lied with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Only okay?" Saad asked as they sat on the canteen table opposite each other.

"Yes, it was great actually. I had the time of my life at my grandparents' home." lies.

"Oh, Shall I order something for you, May?" Saad asked whilst smiling at her, she smiled back at him and shook her head in no. Saad nodded at her and goes to buy something for himself, leaving behind Mayra alone.

She observed her surroundings boringly, but as soon as her eyes fell on Fawad, who was sitting with his gang and laughing aloud, she boiled in anger.

Many eyes were gawking at him, enjoying the sound of his laugh. Which made Mayra roll her eyes again.

Come to the library. I want to talk to you. She messaged him and looked at his face to find any reaction. He smirked at his phone and his eyes searched for her, when it lands on her, she immediately looked away.

Why? I'm busy. Came his reply, reading which she groaned angrily.

Saad joined her table with two coffees and placed one in front of her, she looked at him with a smile. And thanked him with her eyes, since they were friends for almost fifteen years. Thank you and Sorry wasn't accepted in between them. Even though she said that she did not want anything, she was glad to have a cup of coffee. Trust her best friend to understand her without even uttering anything.

Mayra sipped her coffee silently and looked at her phone and fumed at Fawad's reply.

Busy? My foot.

Fawad whose eyes were upon Mayra until a moment ago was now furious. He immediately took out his phone to text her again.

I'll be waiting for you in the library. Come soon. Mayra couldn't believe her eyes, but that arrogant guy did agree.

She wondered if it'd rain today. Shaking her head in disbelief she drank her coffee in a hurry.

"Saad, actually, I have to go to the library to get something." Mayra stood up in a hurry.

"Should I come?" Saad asked her to which she denied him with a shake of her head and ran to the library.

The library was that part of the college that remains free and empty most of the time, hence why Mayra chose that one out of all the other places.

When her eyes fell on Fawad, who was going through a random book, she glared at him.

"You're ten minutes late, Mrs Mayra Fawad Hussein," he said whilst eyeing his watch.

"I was drinking my coffee." She rolled her eyes as she watched Fawad place the book back in its place and he came towards her, with every step he took towards her she took two steps behind. Fawad smirked mischievously as she hits the wall and now, she was trapped in between him and the wall.

"Why are you this close to me? move," she muttered furiously.

"Kyu? Don't I have the right to be close to you, biwi?" Fawad smirked as he addressed her as his biwi.

"I'm not your anything and don't go around winking at me. I have a reputation to maintain." She replied furiously.

"Funny, the last time I remembered we both have signed the nikkah papers and accepted each other as husband and wife," Fawad whispered with a smirk making her glare at him.

"I will divorce you soon, don't worry. You don't have to be in this forced bond. But don't try to pull any stunts until then, I need time to fix this mistake." Mayra muttered as she tried to push him away but he wasn't budging away.

"It isn't a forced bond for me, Mayra," Fawad whispered in her ears making her shiver slightly.

Damn, why was she feeling goosebumps under his presence?

Whatever it was, she will divorce him soon and no one is going to stop her.

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