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Mayra reached Fawad's apartment with a groan and rang the doorbell. She hated the sudden changes in her life. But this place was cool, she wouldn't lie. To her astonishment instead of Fawad; his friend, Ahad opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" Ahad asked her in bewilderment.

"Move." Mayra hissed at him and he moved away, still in shock.

"Yaar, Ahad. Who was it?" Fawad came out of his room curiously, but when he eyed the person who came in, his lips smiled automatically.

"Why is he here?" Mayra asked Fawad whilst looking at Ahad, whose eyes widened in disbelief.

"Excuse me? Why are you here?" Ahad asked her in an offended voice.

"Ask your friend to explain. I'm soo tired." Mayra replied lazily and walked into the guest room angrily.

Fawad gave a sheepish smile to his best friend and replied, "actually, A. I called you here to inform you about this only. Mayra and I got married this summer."

"Shut up!"

"I'm not lying."

Ahad's face was so worth watching that Fawad chuckled slightly but it vanished immediately as he shot him an accusing glare.

"I thought you were my best friend?" Ahad asked him quite angrily.

"I'm sorry yaar, it all happened in a hurry. I'm still not out of the shock that I've gotten married to her." Fahad replied with a guilty smile. But Ahad took out his keys and started walking away from there.

"You knew that I liked her." was all Ahad said. And Fawad was tongue-tied. He did not have any reply for this one.

How could he forget that?

"It was entirely my parent's decision. I had no say in that. I'm sorry, yaar. Please forgive me." Fawad replied slightly annoyed.

Ahad was supposed to be his best friend, but why didn't he ever notice that Fawad too liked Mayra. In fact, he liked her even before Ahad had started developing feelings for her. So, whose fault is that?

"It's a lot to take in. I'm leaving. I need space." Ahad replied, his face had no expression. It was too much for him to take.

"But please don't tell this to anyone. Mayra wanted to keep this in private." Fawad said, hearing which Ahad smirked evilly.

"Don't worry. I won't say a word." Ahad assured his friend and left his apartment.

Fawad sighed in relief and locked his flat door. How did he forget about Ahad and stupid his crush on Mayra? Some friend he was. Shaking his head in disbelief, he walked into his room whilst passing by the guest room but then paused for a moment.

Fawad wondered, should he check on her? But decided against it as he realized she was still angry with him.

After their encounter in the library, Mayra left from there so furiously. Because he denied the divorce. She was a fool if she thought that he'd divorce her. It isn't going to happen. Not in this lifetime. 


Mayra missed her parents' home. She missed her cat. She missed her bed. She missed every damn thing about her life right now.

She was lying on the bed, whilst eyeing the ceiling fan and complained to Allah for being so cruel to her. Why did He get her married to that Fawad? Of all people, why was it him?

She was hungry but she did not eat anything because the dinner was prepared by her dearest husband. He cooked every day but today she was angry with him. And had no wish to eat his food.

God, she disliked him.

He was the most arrogant and cocky bastard she has ever seen.

Soon sleep overtook her eyes as she was lost in his thoughts.

The loud noise of the thunderstorms woke her up in the middle of the night with a jerk, Mayra looked around her surroundings nervously. And the open windows in her room wasn't helping her at all.

She clutched on the bed sheets tightly and started murmuring aytul kursi. The thunderstorm at one point was so heavy and loud. Mayra was scared would be an understatement. She immediately got down from her bed, and her legs moved to that person she has least expected to go.

Fawad was in deep sleep when he heard the loud knock at his bedroom door, he rubbed his eyes lazily and goes to open the door, when he did, he was in for a shock.

"Fawad. Can I sleep with you for tonight?" asked a very scared and nervous Mayra.

"Of course, biwi." Fawad opened the door widely and let her in. Mayra would have rolled her eyes if it was any other day. But right now, she was way too scared.

"You sleep on the bed; I'll take the couch," Fawad said whilst eyeing his couch sadly.

"No. Please sleep with me," she replied nervously which made him look at her in disbelief.

"If you're okay. Then I've no problem." he grinned widely and joins her on his bed, Mayra though slept far away from Fawad. It still felt unbelievable for him to have her on his bed.

In the one month of their married life, they've never shared a bed. Let alone sleep this close. So it was that moment which he'd like to mark in history.

The loud noise of the thunderstorm didn't stop. Mayra was literally shivering, noticing which Fawad touched her hands sceptically. His touch gave her the kind of warmth and comfort which she has never experienced before.

"Are you okay?" he asked her, who was still shivering, this time a little slowly. She nodded her head in no and the next moment a loud lightning bolt was heard, which made Mayra hug him in fear.

The huge gap which she has created between them was now gone. Their breaths now mixed. Heartbeats were uneven.

Fawad though was taken aback by her action, he hugged her back immediately and runs his hand through her hair whilst murmuring 'It's okay, I'm here.' Trying to comfort her as much as he could. It worked in a way because she fell asleep in his arms as he ran his fingers through her hair for a good five minutes.

Mayra was resting her head in the crook of his neck, and her arms were wrapped around him so tightly that he didn't get the heart to push her away. He loved holding her so close to him like that.

Fawad cherished the moment as this was the very first time that they were this close. So very close that he could smell her lavender fragrance and feel her soft skin against his. Damn. She was so pretty.

This woman whom he married was the living definition of beauty, with her mesmerizing hazel brown eyes and captivating face. He'd be a fool if he lets her go because he fell in love with her at the first sight. He was madly and crazily in love with her. The bond of nikkah has only increased his feelings for her.

But it wasn't her beauty that made him fall in love with her though, instead, it was her kind heart that has drawn him towards her. It was such a huge coincidence that his parents got him her rishtha, he said yes in a heartbeat much to his family's amusement.

That was the best decision he has ever made in his life. And he vowed to himself to never let her go. No matter what. 

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