Chapter 1 : Chaos and Grief

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Bryan POV:

It was a regular day at the Daycare but Bendy showed up. Man, I thought we beat him. We got rid of him but the portal controls were completely messed up. I was wondering what was happening because the source kept on going back to Freddy's world. I didn't wanna go there if something that was messing up the portal was there. It was just me, Kayla, and Quinny today so we agreed to turn the portal off. I may not be smart and I may only be 7 but I was wondering how since we were children we were even able to control the thing much less keep it a secret. I pushed the thought aside and turned it off. We went upstairs to the cafeteria and no one was there. "Where is everyone?" Asked Quinny in confusion. Me and Kayla just looked at each other and shrugged since we were equally confused. "Maybe there was a drill and everyone is outside." Kayla had said that but I wasn't convinced. "Wouldn't we have known about it during lunch or something Kayla? I think something's wrong." And my suspicions were proven by the screams that we started hearing and the black, white, and galaxy-looking cracks forming around us. "RUN!" I yelled and grabbed Quinny's as well as Kayla's arms to shake them out of shock and started to run with them not too far behind me. We got out of the building to see more of the cracks appearing monsters chasing people and bloody bodies everywhere around. "Did those things come from the portal?!" "I would guess Quinny." Kayla was holding Quinny and trying to answer the questions about the monsters as best as she could. "Kayla, Quinny, follow me." I saw a back way that was much safer than going through the horde of scary monsters and I didn't want to get hit or run over by anybody that wasn't us trying to not die. "Br-Bryan?" "Yeah, Quinny." "I'm scared, what's going on?" I didn't know what to say because I didn't have an answer, we were just kids and dealing with portals and monsters. Thankfully Kayla answered for me. "We don't know Quinny, we're just as scared and worried." Then all of a sudden I felt the ground shake and give in from beneath me. "BRYAN!" Kayla grabbed my hoodie by the arm and I was about to fall into what looked like a black abyss of nothing. "Quinny, help me with Bryan." Quinny came running and grabbed my arm. "He's slipping." "Bryan I need your other arm to pull you up." "I can't reach!" "TRY!" I tried but I couldn't reach Kayla's hand and my hoodie was ripping. "Bryan come on please I don't want you to die!" Kayla yelled. I noticed that her and Quinny were also slipping so I made the decision that would most likely make Kayla hit me as hard as she could if I survived and saw her again. I had a knife on me from when we were fighting Bendy and grabbed it. "Better if we lose one of us instead of all of us." "Bryan don't you dare." "If I live you get to punch me, Kayla." I used the knife and cut my hoodie. "BRYAN!" Then everything goes black.

Kayla POV:

Bryan just ripped his hoodie and fell into the abyss. Quinny screamed for him but no answer. I pulled her away from the edge before she fell in and Quinny had struggled quite a bit. Me and her went into the playground because even though there were cracks there weren't any monsters. I sat against a wall with Quinny and she was bawling into my chest. I wanted to comfort her but I just couldn't say anything. After a while, she calmed down and I wanted to see if the daycare was still fine other than the cracks. "Hey Quinny, we're going inside the daycare okay? I don't wanna leave you out here and I want to see if the cafeteria is still somewhat alright." "O-okay." We went inside and there were a lot of cracks. One of the ways wasn't accessible so I was thankful that there was more than one way in. We found some food in a fridge that wasn't destroyed and ate something. At least we won't starve. Then all of a sudden a white vortex appeared and started to suck Quinny in. I grabbed her and held onto the fridge door. I wasn't going to lose her too. My hand started to slip on the door and I realized that the both of us were going to be sucked in unless the vortex closed, but my grip loosened even more and the next second we both got pulled through and everything just turned white.  

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