Chapter 22 : A "pleasant" talk

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Derpy POV:

(Come on, where is she?) I hadn't seen Quinny for 3 hours and began to worry. I went looking around the house until I found Kayla in her room lying on her bed reading Pride and Prejudice, (Never thought I'd find her reading that, thought she was more of a Percy Jackson person.) ."Kayla, have you seen Quinny?" She sat up and put a bookmark on her page. "No I haven't, I thought Quinny might have been with Stravo doing something stupid. You know how much of an influence he is on her." After a few moments I smiled and said, "Yeah, you're probably right. Would you like to help me with supper though? I'm making buttermilk pancakes with eggs and bacon." Kayla perked up and she ran right down to the kitchen. I laughed as I walked down the stairs, following her into the kitchen. Kayla went rummaging through the cupboards and the fridge looking for ingredients. After 2 minutes of watching Kayla grab ingredients, utensils, pots, and pans, she was finally done and let me walk to the stove. "Well then, didn't realize you liked the idea of having breakfast for supper that much." Kayla gave me a sheepish smile and nervously laughed, "Yeah, it's always been my favorite. Plus, I've never had buttermilk pancakes. How do they taste?" I turned on the stove for it to begin heating and then answered her question. "Buttermilk pancakes don't taste that different from regular pancakes, but in my opinion, they taste better. Buttermilk pancakes are also fluffier than regular pancakes." Kayla's eyes widened in surprise and excitement, "Fluffier. WE GOTTA MAKE THEM, NOW!" Before I could stop her, Kayla grabbed a recipe book and started mixing the ingredients. It seemed like she had it from here, so I went outside for a breath of fresh air. CRASH!! Something had fallen and decimated one of my garden beds. "What in the fuck?" I walked over to see Stravo groaning in pain, in the garden bed. "STRAVO! What the hell are you doing here? And why did you crash into my bed?" He slowly opened his eyes and squinted, it was only then that I noticed he held something in his right hand. "Sorry for coming in on short notice, but I got this and came as fast as I could." Stravo opened his right hand to show a USB. I asked, "Do you know what's on that?" He shook his head, "No, I don't. It also came with a note." He handed me the note and it read, Hello, you may know me as the mysterious time speeder. The information I am giving you is on the USB, I would advise and appreciate it if you don't tell the Coalition. Let's just say, I want a calming talk with no guns and only Kayla, Stravo, and Derpy-Chan. I snatched the USB and grabbed Stravo, dragging him into the living room of the house. Kayla, hearing me slam the door, brought two plates of pancakes with eggs and bacon into the living room and asked, "Should I get another plate for Stravo? Also, why is he covered in dirt, and why are you upset?" I ignored her and grabbed a laptop and connected it to the TV. Kayla put down the two plates and went back to the kitchen, most likely to grab a third. Sitting down on the couch and opening the laptop, I plugged in the USB and the TV turned on to show a man with his back to us. He turned to face us, and I could feel his eyes burn into me. They were cold like ice, and I could feel grief and guilt spread through my body. The man waved and spoke in a voice I just heard a few months ago. "Hello everyone, I'm delighted that you listened to the note. And before you ask, yes this is live. I can see that Stravo is a mess and Kayla is wearing jeans with a black and white striped polo." He slightly smiled and I stood up. "Who the hell are you, and what do you want?" He smiled and slightly laughed, "What do I want? I want you three to come to my place, and not to tell anyone. I believe Kayla and Stravo already know where it is, and when you all come. I promise to explain everything." He paused and looked as though he remembered something, "Oh, and before I forget, you all get Quinny back." Kayla, Stravo, and I all yelled, "WHAT!" The man grinned and stepped to the side. Tied to a chair was Quinny with a wolf-like creature growling and stalking around her. She nervously said, "Hey guys, whoops." I clenched my fists, and asked, "What if we don't agree?" A shadowy version of the man then appeared next to him. "HEY BUDDIO! Why don't we tell our friends what will happen if they don't agree to our terms." The shadow had a crazed look of insanity, (What the heck is going on with that one?) The man smiled and said, "If you don't agree and you tell the Coalition, I can promise you that I won't kill Quinny, but you'll probably get her back in about a month and the Coalition will be having a lot of fun with my demons. So, do we, have a deal?" Realizing I had been holding my breath, I exhaled and asked, "Can Kayla, Stravo, and I speak in private before saying whether or not we agree?" He nodded and the screen turned black with sound on both ends muting. I turned around to face Stravo and Kayla, and they both nervously stared at me as I stared at them, waiting for a response. Kayla then spoke, "I'm sorry Derpy-Chan. Quinny and I just wanted to find some stuff out before the Coalition and Stravo ended up joining in on the secret." I crossed my arms and asked, "What would that secret be exactly?" Narrowing my eyes, I waited for an answer. Stravo then took it from there, "The girls ended up finding where the time-speeder lived and that the time-speeder was," I interrupted him, "Let me guess, Bryan?" Kayla got up in surprise and exclaimed, "HOW DID YOU KNOW!?" I answered her question by saying, "I recognized the voice, plus I've met Bryan as an adult and the facial features aren't all that different." Kayla sat back down, she had that same look she did when I first saw her in my void, "Derpy, should we agree? The way that he's doing this, it's almost like Bryan wants us to bring the Coalition." I thought about what Bryan had said and how he's gotten around the Coalition the past 9 months. Getting stuck on a different time speed had helped, although Yellow had tried to get onto the same time speed as him and successfully transitioned, Bryan was still able to outsmart the Coalition, and I've had trouble getting around them sometimes. It was only when we started working together to find Bryan that they got off of my back along with Otso's. (I still don't trust these guys enough for them to not run in there with guns though.) I turned the camera back on along with the sound. Bryan was talking with the shadowlike being and turned to face the camera. He must have been surprised to see us already but he didn't show it, it shouldn't have been that long, right? Bryan held a remote and pointed it toward us, then approached the screen on his end. "I see that you have made a decision, correct? What have you decided?" I looked back at Kayla and Stravo, then to Bryan. I sighed and said, "Stravo, Kayla, and I will all come, but we get the full truth and possibly specific items you may have stolen." Pausing, I picked up my remote and said, "You'll see us in 10 minutes, Bryan." The shadow seemed shocked, along with Quinny and the wolf. Bryan only slightly smiled and laughed, he waved goodbye, and I disconnected us from him. Stravo stood up, "Are you sure this is a good idea? We don't know if he'll hold up his end." I smiled and looked at Kayla, she was silent but looked up at me and said, "Oh don't worry, Bryan was a bit of an idiot back then, but he knew how to make deals and stick to them. Probably still does." I looked back at Stravo, he still didn't look convinced, "Stravo, don't worry. I know what I'm doing, and Kayla will also be fine. Worst-case scenario, Coalition gets wind of this and we don't see Quinny for however long they try to get Bryan." After a few moments, Stravo smirked and said, "Alright, fuck it. Let's see this asshole." Kayla stood up and took her's and Stravo's empty plates into the kitchen while I put mine in the fridge. Stravo had finally cleaned himself off and was holding out both of his hands, "You both ready?" Kayla and I smiled and said, "READY!" We grabbed each other's hands, and Stravo yelled, "LET'S GET THAT KID!" And we disappeared with a pop.  

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