Chapter 5 : 3 months later

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Kayla POV:

Me and Quinny have been with Derpy for 3 months now and so far everything has been pretty good. We got visited by the coalition once which is a government made of different versions of someone named Davis from many, many dimensions. Huh, never met him in ours though. We've been practicing our abilities with Toby. He can teleport and do a couple of other things but we can do elemental stuff. Quinny has a magenta fire that she can create and turn into grenades while I can create water and shape it. It's really cool. I just turned 8 but I feel like I'm older than that and Quinny turned 6 recently as well and she feels the same way. We went to talk to Derpy about it because maybe it has something to do with being interdimensional. Quinny's hair had turned from lilac to magenta and my hair had turned from brown to sky blue. Derpy was cleaning up the garden since she added things like weather to the void so there were a lot of leaves. "Ms. Derpy." "Oh, hey you two, you scared me." "Heh, sorry. You're sorry too, right Kayla? Kayla." "Oh sorry, just spaced out. Sorry, Ms. Derpy." "It's quite fine, don't worry. So what can I do for you?" "Me and Quinny wanted to know if feeling like we were older than we should be was a part of being interdimensional." "Hmmm, never heard that being a symptom for turning but, what do you two mean?" "Me and Kayla feel different mentally and my hoodie feels a little short even though it's my size." "Can you two come over to where we keep track of your's and Toby's height?" We both nodded and headed inside by the staircase. "WHAT IN THE HELL!?" "Ms. Derpy!" "Sorry for saying that but you two are already a couple of inches taller." "Wait really, but I just turned 6 and Kayla turned 8. We shouldn't be this tall." Derpy looked at us with her thinking look. She was also examining us which I was confused about. "Girls you two look 2 years older than you should be." "So I look like what Kayla's age should be and Kayla is 10?" "By what you two said to me and how tall you both are I would guess." We were aging rapidly and in 3 months we were already 2 years older than we should be. "Well, what do we do now Ms. Derpy?" "I'm not completely sure Kayla. But I do know that you both seem to age 2 years in 3 months. And I also hope that you both keep it at that pace and don't speed up any faster because that won't be good. But with the time we have now I can look for ways to make sure it doesn't go any faster or keep it from going at this pace and let you age like a regular human being." Quinny looked worried and I couldn't blame her. I was worried as well and Derpy was just as much. But by the looks of it, Toby isn't going to have anyone that's his age to play with unless our mindsets stay the same. Hopefully, they do. Suddenly, we heard knocking at the door. "You two, stay behind me." Doing as she said we had stayed behind Derpy while she opened the door. "Hello, Derpy. I was going through some things and I became aware that you have 2 children here from the Daycare Dimension. Is that correct?" The man speaking looked like one of those Davis people and he was wearing black and yellow. "Y-Yellow I wasn't expecting you. I would have prepared tea or-" "No worries about that. Just answer the question." Derpy's posture had gotten straighter and her voice then got firm. "First off, why should I answer, and second off, if I do have them or know who has them, what will you do to them?" "We just need to ask some questions because those 2 girls are one of the few survivors. And one of the survivors has been going through a time speed that was so speed up, they were able to get through our guards, speed the server room up, and create a copy of every single dimension coordinate in existence."

Time Speed definition: Time speed is when someone exists in a time that goes at a certain speed. For instance, for someone minutes could pass, and for someone else days.

People have survived other than us!? Does that mean that Bryan could be alive? "Hold on, how fast was the time speed?" Asked Derpy. "We couldn't figure it out except for the fact that the energy signatures were of the Daycare Dimension." "So why us?" "We came to you because the girls that we are looking for have had experience with portals and you are one of the few beings that know how to examine these things properly." Derpy was thinking. I knew because she got quiet and the man that she called Yellow looked at her like he was waiting for an answer. "Yellow, the children are here, yes. But depending on the time speed, this person may not be recognizable to them or they may not even know them. Plus they barely knew how to use it and all they knew was that other dimensions did exist." Yellow sighed. "Fine, can we at least have you come and help us with this so that way we can find their time speed and figure out why they are doing this?" Derpy thought for a moment. I didn't exactly know what was happening but I did partially understand it. So I knew what Derpy's answer would be. "Alright Yellow. I will help, but I need your help as well." "Alright, what do you want to bargain?" "The girls here are rapidly aging and so far it seems to be 2 years every 3 months, but I don't know if it will stay that way. I want you to help me find a way to stop it or see if it will stop on its own at some point." He covered his hand over his mouth and had a serious look in his eyes. They looked as cold as ice. "It's a deal Derpy." He put his arm out like how people do in movies for doing deals. "Deal, Yellow."

Sorry for the long wait. To those who are still reading and such, thank you for being patient. Comment your theories on who the mysterious survivor is.  

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