57: 'Just a weird dream, right??'

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Because we love to see drama, don't we?


Gay ass mfs

Sunday, March 22nd, 20XX
9:17 AM

Orange clover: I've just had the weirdest dream ever

Amnesia but it's a human: Heh?
What kind of weird dream?
Like, what route did it take?

Orange clover: ...

Amnesia but it's a human: You're*

Orange clover: Oh you little-
You did that out of spite

Alcohol Addict: I too am quite curious
What was your dream about Maeda?

Orange clover: Alright, so-
It was a dream where we first started Hope's Peak but I was in Utsuro's place for some reason
And there was only one class 79
And when we all went in the gym for the entrance ceremony, we all blacked out for no reason
And then when we woke up, there were machine guns attached to the cameras
And a weird monochrome bear popped up on the stage in the gym and told us that we were participating in a killing game for some reason.
Apparently the world was in despair as well.
I also don't remember seeing Kisaragi with us as well.
And, uh, most of us died too

Gay for amnesia: Woah
That is-
That is a lot to process rn-

Orange clover: IK AND IT WAS SO WEIRD
I forgor who the people behind it were
But I do remember that Otori, Mekaru, Kinjo, Kurokawa, Akane and I were alive up until the last kill
The rest is blurry.

Anmesia but it's a human: Damn
Well, it's just a weird dream
It's not real

Orange clover: Right!
No way that can be real
It's too freaky and surreal
Its just a weird dream!


Teruya sighed as he read the messages. 'Unfortunately Yuki, it's not a dream.' he thought as he looked over to his right. Utsuro was peacefully sleeping on the merchant's bed. He had finally gotten the ginger to sleep after having to go on mama mode. Although now the ginger was hugging him while asleep. And since he didn't wanna wake him up, he was just laying there, reading the chat's messages. "Mm..." Utsuro groaned, uncomfortable because of the flash of the phone. Teruya sweatdropped before turning off his device and turned to the holder of Divine Luck.

"You want affection?" he jokingly asked, but was surprised to see the sleepy boy nod. The merchant couldn't help but smile as he pet Utsuro's head while the ginger cuddled against him. 'Utsuro, he was born with Divine Luck, something so powerful, and yet... I can't help but feel bad for him. Because of his luck, he had a rough life...' the green haired boy thought, frowning 'He's just an unfortunate soul... Like Togo, like the Children of Utsuro, like the people he's helped... And... I'm going to help him. I will be there for him.' he thought, determined. If he wanted to create a safe future, one where there was no despair or any shit of that kind, he knew he needed to help all of his classmates. Help them open up, trust him and keep them safe. And after that, he had to help Mukuro get away from Junko, get therapy and show her that her sister is not someone she should be following. Then he needed to deal with Zetsubou. Most of them aren't going to back down without a fight, especially the Seven Commandments and Zetsubou's leader, who's identity still remains unknown to him. However, Shiro and Skull are a different story.

Shiro always seems hesitant to be violent, it's almost like they don't want to, but are being forced by Hokori. He knows. He knows they were given the mission to kill him during the Winter Ball. However, Shiro decided to leave him alone. It just gives him the idea that the commandment of gluttony doesn't want to do this, but they have no other choice.

While Skull... it's like he just wants to find life interest. Like Utsuro. But maybe he can persuade him to come with them, as long as it promises an interest life, right?

Teruya sighed. 'So much to do... Ugh. This will be a hard task.' he thought. But when wasn't life difficult? Life just fucks him over and over again with this time leaping shit. There're just so many shenanigans he wants to avoid, but alas, here he was.


Platonic UtsuRuya because yes.

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