25: Winter Fair (pt. 4)

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Yamato gritted his teeth in pain, holding his injured arm. "Kisaragi!" Utsuro exclaimed, running over to the blue haired boy. Teruya frowned, worried. But he couldn't take his eyes off of the person right in front of them. Or else something worse could even happen.

"You got lucky mate. Could've killed ya." they taunted with a smirk.

A girl in her teens with long, light brown hair and dull, dark brown eyes

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A girl in her teens with long, light brown hair and dull, dark brown eyes. She wore a high school uniform different than theirs, so she wasn't from Hope's Peak. Teruya's face darkened at the taunt. "Shut up. Who are you?" he asked as he pointed his blade at her. Utsuro and Yamato were there with him, and he refused to let her kill them.

"Why would I give you my real name? That's stupid." she deadpanned "People call me Yami. And that's the last name you'll hear, little boy." she told him, unsheathing her tachi. 'So she uses a lighter blade than a katana. Good to know.' the merchant analyzed, not faltering.

"Wha- R-Ruya, surely y-you're not going to fight her!" Yamato spoke, trying his best to ignore the pain. The green eyed boy simply kept his position, giving the other two a clear idea that he was going to.

"Otori, listen to Kisaragi. Don't fight her." Utsuro insisted, trying to get the merchant to not do something stupid.

"If you're not going to listen to your friends, then..." Yami spoke before dashing towards him, her tachi swinging towards his neck "PERISH!" she shouted.



The two swords collided with each other. Teruya remained stoic as he pushed the tachi away from his neck with ease. 'What?! That block was so fast I didn't even react!' Yamato thought, shocked. He didn't know the green haired boy could fight with swords. "I don't intend on dying now, Yami." the merchant spoke up, glaring at the woman as he got in a fighting position "I still have a mission to fulfill." he announced. Utsuro and Yamato were confused, trying to process what was happening completely. Yami simply smirked.

"I know. And I think you know what my goal is." she told him. The merchant gripped the sword tightly, glaring at the girl.

"So you know that I'll basically do anything to stop that little organization you belong to, don't you." he asked. Yami nodded. With that, the merchant rushed into battle, expertly swinging the sword towards her. She ducked, but then-


A kick to the face she got. Sent backwards, Yami crashed onto a tree. Yamato's eyes widened. "How did he see that coming..?" he mumbled.

"It's like he knows what she'll do..." Utsuro mumbled. Yami got up, wiping the blood off of her face.

"You fucking twat..." she mumbled, glaring at the merchant.

"I may be a twat, but this twat right here is beating your ass." Teruya taunted "Besides... I've already called a friend." he smirked. Before Yami could even process that, she felt something pierce through her gut. Her vision got blurry as she coughed out blood.

"Sorry boss man! I thought the location would be closer!" a familiar voice exclaimed as Iroha and Kanade ran into the scene, the painter holding a sword similar to the one that had just been thrown towards Yami.

"It's alright Iroha." Teruya shrugged it off, still glaring at Yami. Coughing blood, she grabbed the sword's handle and pulled it out, throwing it away. Utsuro gagged at that, turning away. He hated the sight of blood, it was gruesome. Yami growled.

"It's not over... you piece of shit..." she said as she wobbly stood up, legs shaking "None of you... will ever have a break anymore... Despair will rise... Once and for all..." she grinned before she threw something on the floor as smoke quickly appeared. Everyone coughed as the smoke slowly 

"Smoke bomb... Little piece of shit..." Iroha grumbled, annoyed as she picked up the bloodied sword "Great. Now I have to clean it..." she mumbled.

"That doesn't matter at the moment, we have to tend a wound right now." Kanade spoke up, running to Yamato's side with a med kit.

"...Otori, you need to explain." Utsuro demanded. The merchant simply looked up to him, remaining silent. Iroha glanced at the merchant, frowning.

"Stop moving Kisaragi, I can't treat the wound like this!" Kanade exclaimed

"But it hurts!"


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