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Family that I chose, now that I see your brother as my brotherIs it enough?

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Family that I chose, now that I see your brother as my brother
Is it enough?


The echoing sound of her bedroom door slamming against the wall startled Max awake.

"Max, wake up! Did you forget to set your alarm again because we're going to be late- oh. I didn't know El was here."


Max nearly tumbled off the bed because of how quickly she snapped up at the sudden entrance. If it hadn't been for El's arm snaking around her waist and clutching her tightly she would've rolled right onto the floor. She most definitely forgot to set her alarm as Nancy pointed out, despite knowing she had to wake up early for physical therapy that morning. It had slipped her mind, like most things did when she was around her best friend.

"Hi, Nancy."

El seemed more awake than she was, Max was still trying to figure out what the hell was happening as she blinked the sleep out of her eyes. One minute she had been sound asleep and snuggled up next to El's warm body, and then next she was rudely awoken by Nancy shouting at her.

"Hi, El," The older girl greeted. "You two look. . comfortable."

It took a moment for Max to realize what the insinuation meant since her brain still felt foggy, but once she did she felt her cheeks heat up and her body felt like it was on fire. Of course she remembered falling asleep cuddled up next to El, but she had forgotten that the position they were in was not normal for two best friends— at least from what she knew about friendships.

El's arm was still around her and their legs were tangled together under the sheets. Though Max was now propped up— having been scared to death by Nancy— she was still hovering over Eleven from where she had previously been resting her head underneath her chin. She could've passed this off as something platonic if anyone else caught them cuddling, but this was Nancy and she could pick up on the smallest details.

"Yes, I'm very warm," El replied, clearly not picking up on what Nancy was implying.

"It sure looks like it."

Max wished she could fall into a portal that led to the upside down at that moment, if it meant she could escape this conversation.

"Ever heard of knocking? I could've been naked," the redhead snapped, finally managing to remember she knew how to speak as she haphazardly rolled away from Eleven, as if the girl was made of fire.

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