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Last night when we returned to our room, the place was already back into shape. The other girls were nowhere to be seen nor heard. Demetri didn't tell us what happened to them or where they were. He probably didn't know considering how he had been shadowing us since he returned to the kitchen and let us roam a barren fortress of a courtyard with absolutely nothing to do but sit in the shade against the wall with nothing but our words to keep us from falling to boredom for a few good hours.

You couldn't even admire the town below as the walls were taller than our heights. Elisa wanted to sit on the wall but I was able to talk her out of doing something dangerous and just sit in the shade like a good girl.

We are our dinner and then we came back to our room. Demetri bowed his head, and without a word, he was gone again.

"Let's shower then get to bed," Elisa was already heading into our room and grabbing her nightgown from her suitcase. I followed after her, grabbing our bag of soaps and heading to the washroom.

Elisa whistled lowly. My eyes popped out of my skull almost without how massive the bathroom was. It was like a fancy marble locker room apart from the lockers. Each stall was huge. Standing shower, with a drain below the showerhead. You could probably comfortably fit at least ten people in each one.

There was a marble shelve and table against the wall near the sliding steel door. Big enough to hold all your things.

Thirteen stalls each, with smaller closeable stalls across from them with toilets.

"It's kind of like our own bathroom," Elisa muttered. "In a way?"

"So I guess we just pick a stall?" I walked towards the back and put my stuff down on the shelving under the humongous mirror. I opened the soap bag and began sorting our stuff apart. Elisa grabbed her soaps and disappeared into the last stall. I went to the one beside her.

I didn't even have to wait for the water to warm up. The scolding water pounded over top of me making me sigh in contentment. Flexing my toes.

"I never want to leave this shower!" Elisa moaned. "It's godly!"

I giggled. "Stop making that sound! Someone might think you're doing something naughty!"

"Something naughty?" Elisa mimicked. "Such a virgin way with words! Oh god!"

I covered my face for a moment, stifling my giggles before I continued washing myself down.

I had finished before Elisa. I gathered my things up not really wanting to leave them in here. I didn't trust the other girls not to tear our things up. Especially with how they all acted not even an hour after being left alone in our quarters.

"I'm going to head to our room, El." I tapped on her stall.

"I'll be there in a sec. Just drying off!"

Heading to our room, I put my stuff away. Hung my towel up and dropped my dirty clothes in the wicker basket I found in the closet and set my toothbrush on my vanity. Getting settled on the bed, I pulled out my laptop and put my earbuds in.

I opened the internet section, clicking on the wifi icon. A list of internet options had pulled up to choose from. After digging around in my purse for the packet of papers I printed off before leaving home. After flipping through a few pages I found the paper I was looking for and then clicked the right ID and tapped in the password.

We were allowed to have our devices here but they were not permitted to leave our room at any given time unless given permission from our boss. It was a little sketchy but I suppose it made sense. If you didn't have your cellphone on you, you wouldn't be distracted from your work.

The Night We Met || Marcus Volturi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now