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Wheeling the cleaning cart down the corridor to take back to the supply room, I admired some of the paintings that lined the walls.

A familiar scene flashed behind my eyes as I looked at the large canvas that wasn't there yesterday. It smelt of fresh paint and was vibrant in colors. Anger crept into my veins as I realized someone plagiarized my sketch.

Someone STOLE my sketch!

I grounded my teeth, my fists clenching as my jaw ticked. I took a deep breath and forced a tight smile on my face.

"Adriana?" I walked up to the receptionist's desk. She smiled at me.

"Good morning, Issa!"

"Who painted that?" I pointed at the canvas. Adriana grinned.

"Master Caius did! It's not his best work but it's alright I guess."

Not his best work... Alright... She guesses.

"Are you alright? You're turning red." Adriana placed a hand on me and I smacked her away.

"Not his best!" I hissed. "you guess! Ugh!"

I stormed away from her, pushing the cart and muttering curses under my breath. I was extremely offended!

"Not only did he copy my work! That stupid nitwitted bitch says it's alright!" She raged. "Insufferable idiots can't tell a piece of art from a useless tag on a wall. Probably can't even tell where her proper asshole is from all the shit falling from her mouth!"

"Ugh!" I kicked the cart into the room. Crossing my arms.

Nerissa wasn't aware of the red eyes watching her throw a tantrum. Perhaps if she knew it was the very man she was furious with she wouldn't have acted so childishly, maybe she might have blown up on him but Caius was extremely amused and admired her anger. He most particularly loved her insults.

"It is not becoming of you to prowl around her like a lurking lion," Aro appeared by his side. He watched the human girl pout and wipe frustrated tears from her cheek.

Caius scoffed. "Please... You are taking pleasure in the show as much as I. She's got quite the passion."

"Oh... Look at the little lamb, she's trying to rip a cloth." Aro giggled.

"You two are the definition of stalking." A low voice voiced behind them. Like deer caught in the headlights, Aro and Caius turned to face Marcus. He shook his head at them. "You should have not dangled her art in her face like that Caius. I recall a time when you crippled
Sandro Botticelli
for stealing your painting of Suplicia and renaming it as Venus."

The reminder of the mortal who dared wrong Caius Volturi made the snow hair man growl.

Nerissa looked up and around her. Her anger washed away as she quickly slipped into the storage room. Marcus caught just a glimpse of her as he wanted to give her privacy and not watch her when she was clearly distressed. He did not think she deserved to be made a mockery of.

"No one is mocking her, dear Marcus. We are only curious," Aro tsked.

He hummed.

"Nerissa is a little firecracker. Athenodora will find her most endearing." Caius continued not at all bothered by Marcus's inner thoughts being voiced by Aro.

Marcus looked at him. Not showing it but inside he felt a small flutter in his chest at her name. Nerissa, a Greek name... Sea nymph. Like the sea nymphs, she too was full of fiery passion.

What a lovely name for a lovely girl.

🤍 🤍 🤍

The stroke of the brush moved like water across the canvas. Red pools slide down and around the broken girl. Expanded in the air, her body crippled into a broken mess, a silent scream from her lips and white eyes sunken in with tears of crimson falling down her angelic cheeks. Golden luscious locks cascaded down her back like a waterfall.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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